

prosecuted #Chat Talk

General Chat

Life Shortening Consumables It is clear that smoking, drinking, and other enjoyable (and hazardous) activities can/will shorten your life, even if very minor. Do you personally prefer treating your body however you wish, and most-likely dying a shorter natural life, or would you prefer a longer lifespan? I for one think that after you hit age 60~70, your life-quality decreases by a very large amount, making it not that enjoyable to life, so I think that it doesn't matter what i smoke/drink etc. How do you feel?

General Chat

Game ratings and suggestions Okay so i am going to be getting about $x in the next week or so and im not sure if what i plan on buying is good. What i currently have in mind is: Turtle beach XL1 [40$]. I currently have a REALLY crappy headset, so i think it'll be helpful. 20$ for Dawnguard DLC [Skyrim] 20$ for GTA4 35+50$ for Pokemon Black/BF3 Premium OR 35+60 for Pokemon Black/BO2 Now, im not really sure if pokemon black will be any good considering i haven't played one of their games since emerald. And is GTA4 any good aswell? Same goes for BF3 premium.. If i am missing any good titles that are out [or will be this year], please feel free to suggest. So is this a good list or should i edit it?

General Chat

Oblivion Vs. Bf3-B2K I have 15 dollars to spend. My options are oblivion or Bf3-Back to Karkand expansion pack. I really loved skyrim, and i really love bf3, although i really only play bf3 when i can be tactical. I hear oblivion is good, but will it feel primitive [and lame?] due to the fact that i played Skyrim? What do you think? Please no 100% biased answers (i.e. Omg no bf3 suck dun get dat) or (Oblivion 4 nerdsz u stoopid). If you like one please simply explain why. :D