

Playing MapleStory on a network you dont manage (School etc)

This thread is going to be a guide for you about how to play maplestory while you shouldn't be ! (And isn't that just great?)
So how often have you been all bummed out because you have school and not be able to check your store every now and then ?
Or maybe just grind thouse last 10% before you reach a certian level.
Well maplers, luckily for us, there's something called tunneling out there

First let's talk requirments and possibilities.
There's 2 ways of doing this, a free way which requires some work, and a way where you pay a little money to get a certian connection.

I'll explain both to you, so no worries here.

[b]1st way : The free way ! (Using BitVise tunnelier)[/b]
Link to product :
Let's talk requirements to this certian aspect.
[b]You need the following :[/b]
A computer running as a server at home (Note if running the service on a Domaincontroller, you have to pay for this. I just used a designated virtual machine.)
Knowledge on how to open and manage portforwarding on your router(some router producents refer to this as 'virtual servers')
SSH port on your school must accept inbound connections to be made (this is pretty normal since the 'techie' guys at schools normally comunicate between their devices using SSH or telnet)

[b]Upsides :[/b]
It's free and fairly easy to setup!
[b]Downsides :[/b]
Alot of requirements and you might end up being stuck on parts.
You need to have a little techie knowledge

[b]So let's get started![/b]
Go on your computer that is supposed to run your home server.
Install the server software from
Accept their terms and choose the [b]'Personal edition'[/b] , you can see below which seriveses your missing out on (domain AD integrations etc.)
RIGHT! , now you should be met with the basic settings, here you can define what port your server will be listening on, incase it doesnt work with SSH (port 22) you can alter it.
If your router supports UDPnP it can automaticly forward the port, i reccomend this option if your router supports it.
Say, maybe you want to create a local service account only for this purpose, you can do this by going to the "windows accounts" tab and 'add' . This allows you to create for example "sac-SSH" and define the password here, i reccomend this, although for easy access you can just choose to log on with any local windows account configured on your server.
I dont reccomend the virtual accounts, it's nice to know your enviorment so unless you have experience with WINsshd go with the windows AD enviortment.
A service has been added to your windows services called "WinSSHD", currently it's stopped but can be started with a reboot or the link saying "Start WinSSHD".

Awesome! , now we have our server side up and running, and belive me if your a techie you will love the features they offer, hostkeys and certificates and what not, it's awesome! *drools a little* *slurp* okay so anyway, moving on!

Let's go to the computer that's supposed to run maplestory!
Here we go to Bitvises website once again, you will want to have their client-side application for WinSSHD.
Install tunnelier !
This should be fairly simple, so accept their terms and let's go !
You'r now met with a window where you can put in some credentials and whatnot, and alooooot of tabs.. confusing right? i mean what do i need to know about S2C forwarding for? I JUST WANT TO PLAY MAPLESTORY ? *sobs*
Okay so here you only need to know two tabs my dear friend, the "Login" tab and the "Services" tab.
We're going to create a tunnel, from our SSH traffic and forward it to our SOCKS interface ! , and no I'm not talking about the ones you put on your feet!
Take a quick look at your "Services" tab.. dont be scared now, let's go over this nice and easy.
Interface is a very "Techieword" so let's call it what it is. the thingy at the back where you put the cable coming from the other thingy, so that you magicly have what the society call interwebz ! , in other words the hole in your computer where the UTP cable goes in "A interface"
Every windows PC has a local address, you might see the words "localhost" around some websites, this has the address of [b]onehundred and twenty seven period zero period zero period one[/b] , all the windows computers in the world has that local IP address assigned for their network interface.
You can check it by going into "start" > "run" > "Type in : cmd" > "do the command 'ping [b]onehundred and twenty seven period zero period zero period one[/b]'" you should now recive a response from your network interface, which means everything is A-OKAY!
So yes you guessed it, our listening interface is ofcourse [b]onehundred and twenty seven period zero period zero period one[/b] ^_^
Your port on the other hand is now diffrent from the port your fammiliar with, since now we're tunneling the 22 port forward to the 1080 port.
So in Listen port, put 1080
Your server bind interface should be a wildmask, so here you put [b]IPs are not allowed[/b] <- four zeros

Right... i hope i didn't loose you there , let's go back to the login tab.
The groupbox saying "Authentication" is where our next few seconds will be spend. Fill in your username that you know from your server (remember we told it to use the local windows accounts, so you can type in that here) , the initial method should be set to "password", i reccomend the store the password into your profile so that you dont have to type it in all the time
Press the login button and let's see some magic !
Wow, alot of info down there right? , if all went as expected, you should now see some traffic in the log coming from your server to you

Okay so we have established a connectionf rom home, through your ISP, and on towards your school, AWESOME! SO I CAN PLAY MAPLE NOW ?
Well you could try but i dont think you'll get far!
We still lack one last thing... and that is grabbing the forwarding we have made to the 1080 port.
We need another tool, sadly i have only found one working for a 64bit version of windows, so i'll make a guide using that!
Download ProxyCap
The installation shouldn't require any guide
Once you've installed your service, add a proxy to the list, to do this go to "Proxies", press the little square up top with a spark on it.
You'r making a SOCKS5 connection, your host is localhost, and your port is 1080
Note if localhost doesn't work with you, try [b]onehundred and twenty seven period zero period zero period one[/b]
your proxy doesn't require password.
Now go to rules, again press the button up top with the spark.
Redirect through your newly created proxy, press specify, and find your maplestory application or whatever you need to run.
Depending on your application, select wether or not it uses TCP, UDP or maybe both!
Now press OK, and OK again on the proxy window, "Remember to press OK, just because maple is on the list now doesnt mean it's active, you have to press OK on the main window aswell(i hard to learn this the hardway lol ._.)

Run maple !

Okay this guide got way too long for it to be 2 guides in one, so if any one is interested, i'll post a solution where you can use a paid service (YourFreedom) to act as your SSH server, just this isn't quite the same, this sollution gives you a diffrent externel address and whatnot.

I hope this has been informative for you, and i'd like to thank you for viewing

January 19, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Affluent]I understand I was just making a little joke.[/quote]
@Above And when the VPN port is blocked at your school? , the reason this solves anything is because you can mange all the ports and traffic yourself ! ^_^
In that case ! *hahaha* , haha, no but seriously, i wasn't being mad or anything

Reply January 19, 2011 - edited

[quote=Affluent]why would you want to play MapleStory at school while you could be studying?[/quote]
I dont know, I'm posting this guide cause i've been having use for it myself.
I live at a school campus where alot of ports are blocked for traffic, and i figured atleast one person out there are in the same position.

Reply January 19, 2011 - edited