

Blaze Wizard last 3 SP help

I advanced to Captain Knight on my Blaze Wizard, and I got 3 extra SP.
I wanted to put those points into Seal as mentioned by a guide I read... however when I try to do this it says my 1st/2nd job SP haven't all been assigned? (I already msg'd person who wrote the guide and they're not too sure either).
Does that mean I HAVE to use those 3 SP on a 1st or 2nd job skill? Because that would seem like a waste...

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

November 21, 2011

3 Comments • Newest first


It's a glitch, but why would you need the 3 SP anyways? You should have all your attack moves maxed, so big whoop lol. I just let my BW collect dust after the peridots.

Reply November 21, 2011

@lilseventeen : haha yeah I know it doesn't matter, but it's annoying seeing 3 extra SP
@MangoYogurt : oh what.. so I'm just going to have 3 SP sitting there?

Reply November 21, 2011

My mean side is telling you that it doesn't matter. It really doesn't.
My helpful side is thinking that if you can't put them in 3rd job skills, then yeah you're basically forced to dump them in 1st/2nd job skills.

Reply November 21, 2011