
The worst mapler youve met

Cannoneer: hey u a ice lightning?
Me: Yes I am.
Cannoneer: how can you play them they are so weak!
Me: Just because a class is weak doesn't mean you can't have fun with it.
Cannoneer: BUT UR DMG IS SUCK (10/10 grammar amirite?)
Me: Well I'm not one to play the game to have the highest damage.
Cannoneer: yea ok you still stink
[b] Cannoneer has lowered PurpleMatter's fame. [/b]

Anyways... anyone care to share their similiar stories?

February 12, 2012

71 Comments • Newest first


i think demon slayers take the new top spot for most annoying immature ksers, they are the new ASSasins of today. i made a hero in 2 days but i was constantly getting ks'd by demon slayers on almost every map i was training so i quit training at maps and solo partied at monster park til level 130

Reply February 13, 2012

Best one I've got is when I was level 80-ish in Jesters.
Dual Blade: "You a wk?"
Me: "Yup."
Dual Blade: "You should just quit maple. Forever. Wks suck."
Me: "Uh, okay. Sure buddy."
Dual Blade: "Nobody wants you to live. Go kill yourself."
*proceeds to KS the heck outta me until I cc*

*follows me*
Dual Blade: "Srsly, quit maple."
Me: "Kiss my rump."
Dual Blade: "U suck."

Thankfully, a higher-leveled I/L overheard, and decided to KS the heck outta HIM. Thus my training day was saved.

Reply February 13, 2012

I was the main atker at a scar run and there was some demon slayer there, he wasn't quick enough to loot scar helms so he decided to whisper d/c me when targa was almost dead...lagged up and couldnt do anything about it. I didn't even need a helm...we could have finished off the boss in 2 minutes but then it ended up taking 10 minutes...even after the run, i continued to receive spam for 10 minutes

Soon there were scania stability issues and the whole server was rolled back...he lost his helm -.-

Reply February 13, 2012

Worst donno about worst but meanest probably be kittylukless she has a very very HIGH anger issue like for example:
Kittylukless:-logs in-
Me:wb sexy kitty
Kittylukless: s/t/f/u Tiano
Me:......Really? Cant take a joke?

Sometimes I guess women can never take a simple funny joke o.o

Reply February 13, 2012

[quote=iQwertyDit]I can't stand priests that think they don't have to help in pqs because they have holy symbol >.<[/quote]

I can't stand people like you who expect the crappy underfunded bishops/priests to do anything close to the damage of a toddler... Give us all 100k nx to slpurge and we'll help you in pq's... (Don't get me wrong, heal is needed but that's not 'help')

Reply February 13, 2012

there was this one guy who I had a conversation with. It went something like this... (it was in my shop)

Him: Can I have your spot?
Me: Sorry, I want to sell my stuff (keep in mine this wasnt even that great of a spot, channel 1 fm 6 very top left corner)
Him: Please? I really need to sell my stuff
Me: I'm sorry, I'm sharing this spot with my guildies. We had an agreement to share an fm spot once we're done selling our stuff
Him: Please? I need to sell
Me: No, sorry
Him: Why not? your stuff is crap anyways
Me: Sorry, I don't want to move
Him: Give me your spot now
Me: No
Him: *starts going into all these things about how god is going to smite me and how he wished i would die in a pit or smthing*
Me: *presses kick button :O*

Reply February 13, 2012

[quote=loser1]that awkward moment when someone ignores your trade.... and then walks away[/quote]

That awkward moment when you get a random trade from someone who just walked away...
OT: I think the worst mapler I've met was DoudySlayer or whatever his name is. He was gettin a BW map glitched and said hey wait here til the WH glitches the map and I'll invite you. The map was then glitched and he said he just used me. People who spend near 1,000 sollars on this game are always so stuck up because they have money. WELL HERE'S A NEWFLASH: YOU HAVE NO LIFE! (This goes for Doudy, and all those other morons who think they're better than us poor maplers, except xtcb0ss, he's pretty cool.)

Reply February 13, 2012

Well I've had numerous idiots criticize my damage, class choice, etc. F/P's and Marksmen aren't weak. They just are too slow to realize it, being caught up with other classes that are more obviously strong. I don't play for damage, I play for fun, becoming better when I can. I'm not unhappy if I can't hit a certain number, or anything like that.

Reply February 13, 2012

all those selfish ksers who can't be bargained with at mp3/jesters and every other training map

Reply February 13, 2012

1) This one time when I was at CWK, and these two idiots kept cussing out Jews and insulting them. OMG. I got so fricken pissed it wasn't even funny. I have jewish friends, and teachers, and they are FRICKEN NICE PEOPLE.
( Like, one guy was a F/P i think, and he like put poison gas everywhere, and was like kill them and stuff, etc, and cussed them omfg. The other guy was a pirate, and kept going like "where's your star jew" and stuff, he joined our exped, but he got on all of our nerves, and we kicked him out. I left the channel because they were bothering me so much.)

2) This isn't as bad as the first one but it made me pretty disappointed in the quality of maplers today. Furthermore, it allowed me to realize that Jesters, is in fact, a hellhole.

This lv 13x ds (i think) came by when I was training my db, and ksed everyone. He asked us if we have leaves, and said if we don't give him our leaves, he wont leave (I had like 3K leaves Looting skill of my pet D:< but I ignored him). I didn't get involved and stayed on my little platform, but, he was really annoying. But then this mercher gave him 10m, and scared him off with his heroic speech about how lowly his actions are, and how he makes 1b a day Lol.

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

1. I was trading fame with someone, and after I famed him he purposely defamed me. I wouldn't have cared as much if he would've just normally scammed me, but what was the point of defaming me when he could've famed me? So annoying >.<

2. While training at jesters, this level 100+ comes in and starts ksing me and demands mesos for him to change channels, he asked if I was rich (lol, if you're trying to squeeze mesos out of someone you don't do that), and I obviously said no, so I just had to pay 100k, and he went around to other people in different channels asking for 500k.

3. Idk, there's been so many other situations, but #1 is definitely one of the worst ones.

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

So around the time Evans came out, i was on my Hunter
I went to Windraiders at around 62, when I get there I see somebody vaccing. I ignore him and walk past him. A mob touches me, so i PKB it. He starts yelling at me saying dont touch my mobs. I tell him to chill, We go on arguing over nothing for about 5mins. He tells me to cc and i do. I dc'd as i cc'd to find my account Locked.
What d'ya know?

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

scammed 9k nx, and smega`d that i scammed her.
sigh, at people being so immature.

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

OmegaHogger, We were doing a dojo run and he ran out of stars so I was like "Give these back after the run" and I dropped a set of hwabies and then after the run he left the party and ran away. I'm really mad about it because it was right after I got hacked and I'm poor as crap right now.

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

I was an aran back then when i met a racist person. I was CPQing when he kept BSing at me to get off his platforms and how dark-colored people should be nothing but slaves... Sigh.. such an immature child he was..

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

random person kses me at toyroom,
i log on to my db
i start ksing him back
he told me to go away cuz hes already been there for 1hour
wtf?... bunch of bs lies

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

Back then, there was so many mages who took my channel at windraiders,galloperas and himes because of their damn spammable ultimates, it was so annoying. >.<

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

Omg, there should be an organization that would ks of these mean people/ksers. Just because you are sitting behind a keyboard and monitor, doens't mean you can cyber bully another person. I'm sick of these kind of people. People who kses and verbally abuses me on maple never really get away with it.(Currently hunting down a ds and cs).

EDIT: oh wait, I think there is a guild called maplealliance that spreads fidelity in the maple world

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

[quote=Lyfnn]2 years ago at cpq.
Me and my friends were getting fws and we had some noob on the other team. He stayed for like 13 pqs and lost all of them.
My friend: you know I'm giving free wins right?
Noob: I know. - stays for more rounds-[/quote]

then why do you hate him o.o

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

[quote=KaiXai]A party wouldn't invite my friend because he was black, seriously.... I was so pissed afterwards and called them pathetic arrogant narcissistic natzi.[/quote]

You are amazing

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

appears to be yet another person hateing on a class

not knowing that most classes are made = until someone pours millions of mesos and nx into it to cap damage

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

Me: R> PQers... (monster park we was only 3)
Ds: add me.
Me: ok.
Ds: go go go
Me: we are only 4.
Ds: go go go
Me: -.-
Ds: GO GO GO NOOB MOVE YOUR 4&&... go go go i want to lvl...
Me: we need 2 more ppl.
Me: DemonSlayername was expelled from the party
Ds: you noob yada yada yada bla bla bla blaming... he defamed me and start to spam don't pq with (insert my Cannon name here XD) he's a noob...
Me: WTF... Ohhh god! maplers of this days... inmature ppl everywhere...

(Sorry for the grammar...)

Reply February 13, 2012 - edited

Last week when i was training my dit at jester and a mercedes came and ksed me because apparently some other guy was ksing his friend and since i was training there i was being ksed also so i told him "dont ks me thanks" and he stop ksing me and only ksed the other guy, but then a ds came and start ksing me and i told him the same thing but he kept on ksing me so i didnt ask again and tried my best to level and got from lvl 72-73 and then got tried of trying to train and i went on my bowman and spam arrow rain but he got the guts to ask me to cc so i answer him "should i since you ksed my dit?" he tried to ks me and fail and started to call me a no life and i said " youre not really convincing since youre lvl 134 ksing at jester" and he said " im going go sell my maple leaf" and said a word that was censored at me.
Oh and i was lvl 90 while he is lvl 134.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

KSers are high up there for me... but in my opinion the worst kind are the ones that harass and threaten you. Even after years have passed... I still have a few people who make it seem like their life goal is to make me feel crappy every time they see me in game. I try to brush it off but it does hurt a lot (who likes to be bullied?). People have the capacity to be very mean and cruel with the anonymity of the internet. I have a low tolerance for people that sit around bad mouthing their so called "friends" or guildies behind their back... and later try to make themselves seem like the most amazing people to grace the planet. Arrogance in an online game is unattractive to me and usually seems to indicate selfishness and lack of compassion for others (when you get to know that arrogant person better you see it). On the plus side there are some very genuine, kind, and caring Mardians out there. So it kinda balances out.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=garyzx100]SuperPainLoy, for obvious reasons[/quote]

isn't he that db?

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

A person who crashes me because I decline a trade.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

Well, there was one jerk that really got on my nerves. This was a while back before big bang. What happened was i was strolling through fm trying to buy an item and this 15x bishop started bad-mouthing me calling me noob and talking trash. What i believe he was doing was simply showing off to his friend that he is better than me and can get away with it simply because he is higher level and his ultimate can be spammed. At the time, I really couldn't do anything but simply change channels and ignore him which really haunts me that i let him get away with it because i usually make those people cry. But as karma works miracles, i like to see that guy be his ignorant self now, compared to me.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

SuperPainLoy, for obvious reasons

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

Killing stuff in a LHC party.
evan123 has joined the party.
evan123: Hi
Me: Hey
Me: I don't play for damage
evan123: flame wheel sucks why are you using it use eq like I do.
Me: ... Idc.
evan123 I added you
Me: okay?
evan123's buddy chat: Hi my name is evan.

Couldn't remember his name so I used a random one.

True story.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

@Woefully: I actually wanted to be in Varsity but i ended up in kira o_O

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

Some Guy : Hi
Me : Hey
Some Guy : d/c hacks me >.<

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

Jayjobs -_-

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

AHAHHA so thats why you started me calling those stuff.
Nathan guessed you did anyways.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

This dude tried to get me to cheat on my bf.. o.o

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

"Do I *look* like a bishop to you?"
"wtf why would you make a mage thats not a bishop?"
"..." *not going to bother dignifying that with a response*

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

@DevilJin221: LOOOL this was back in 2009 o:
but thankyou (:

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=emtine]@HEYitsTracey: Hi Becca.
I see you left Pimpslap after Nathan quit.[/quote]
He was my crush cutie

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

@HEYitsTracey: Hi Becca.
I see you left Pimpslap after Nathan quit.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=xShirayuki]Only person I can remember from several years ago.

There was a guy with the IGN chewycow doing Ariant PQ. There were 3 people and he told us that we would take turns winning. We were in the waiting room and he told us to each drop our best items and whoever had better went first. I dropped a Nocturnal Staff(it was amazing to me back then) and he kicked me out of the room

Yeah, I know it was because of my own ignorance.[/quote]

Same thing happened to me at CPQ but I dropped a clean Sauna Bathrobe lawls

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

XzJoSeCaShzX and his guildies no further explanation.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

I took an Airplane to Nihal Desert or something and some other guy was there and I said something along the lines of "Didn't know you could see other people on this", and the idiot defamed me and disappeared (plane arrived or he closed his game or what). My friend and I hunted him down later then and we both defamed him.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

yeah ice lightning is pretty good wth. That cannoonneer is a noooob. Its not all about dmg.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=EphemeralMoon]I remember this one guy at CPQ. We had a huge lead, so for reasons, I summoned Master Chronos (usually this is one of those well known tactics where one of us mass summons chronos and then spam weapon cancel/magic cancel). He raged on me for summoning them, thinking I'm giving free points to them even when we had a huge lead, then after raging on me, he kicked me out of the party. We still won anyway ;x.

Then a long time ago there was the Ludibrium Pqs. The leader raged on me for going into the dark room he was in (his ign was [b]NoDexForU[/b] or something like that, you can figure it out from the ign), and I didn't want to be that one girl that's not doing anything so I just told him I wanted to help. I left the room anyway to keep the peace. Later on, he [b]bragged about his damage over the block golems[/b], then I started to understand who I was dealing with, but I kept quiet. Then came the number puzzle where we had to figure out the right combination (this is before the revamp, so no simple "Do this math problem and that's the answer&quot. I noticed that the leader clicked on one combination, but one of our guys wasn't on the block, so we skipped that one. I noticed this and told them we should go back a step, but no one listened and so we continued on until the end. Then since we were doing a weird order, I got confused and didn't know where to go. Since I didn't know where to go, the leader yelled at me and said [b]"B(rhymes with "hitch&quot move!"[/b] That's when I got fed up. My last words were "How dare you" then I left the party, forcing everyone else out.

This thread is good therapy lol[/quote]

Yea, Party Quests do tend to bring the worst out of people sometimes. Even though it's supposed to support teamwork and helping out each other, from those three points I've bolded I'm pretty sure your party would've been better off without him (even though he was the leader). But at the end it was nice to utterly ditch the person for the ways he was boasting about his damage, calling people horrendous names, and above all not accepting help from other teammates and playing a "I can do this all by myself" quest instead of a [b] Party Quest. [/b]

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

this was back in 2012
i was like hey
she was like wassap
and i was like baby do u miss me
she was like yes
n i was like ditto
and then i said "Then you hit me back, with the less than symbol number three."
@mariixp: remembers!
@emtine: baby i wasn't pickin on ya. i was making some lovely conversation

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

lol eternalbecca ^

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=ChineseBoy]I remember you! I was in the same party as you in lhc when this happened [/quote]

Oh yea now I remember you~

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=emtine]This girl that called me a slu* and all that nasty stuff because I was dating her guild leader... O.O
It went on for awhile until I quit. Just recently I came back and saw her again. I wanted to start on her but meh. I still remember her ign EternalBecca...
& she was so much older than me too.... Bullying a little giirl like me LOL D;[/quote]

That is nice.

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

[quote=emtine]This girl that called me a slu* and all that nasty stuff because I was dating her guild leader... O.O
It went on for awhile until I quit. Just recently I came back and saw her again. I wanted to start on her but meh. I still remember her ign EternalBecca...
& she was so much older than me too.... Bullying a little giirl like me LOL D;[/quote]
many rude people these days don't worry bout em just ignore and keep doing what you're doing

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited

This girl that called me a slu* and all that nasty stuff because I was dating her guild leader... O.O
It went on for awhile until I quit. Just recently I came back and saw her again. I wanted to start on her but meh. I still remember her ign EternalBecca...
& she was so much older than me too.... Bullying a little giirl like me LOL D;

Reply February 12, 2012 - edited
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