purplerainii #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

Bandits CB's and Shadowers have a bandit family? All i can say is that i am proud to be a Bandit because i feel we have respect of alot of other classes and I hear crap about Shads are useless or bandits are Stupid but they arnt because we are super balanced and he dont hop on the bandwagon of resistance and new classes. We go oldschool and still can overpower some of the strongest classes provided we are funded. Shads and Bandits also have a respect for eachother because we go through the same thing and whenever i see a bandit or shadower grinding it out insteading of using the easy classes like mechanics and such than it makes me wana become a better shad and do things to get better damage and stuff. Hooray to the Bandit community =D

General Shadower

Clearing up training for levels 110-120 At 111 i am desperately trying to find the fastest route to 120. I decided to do an expiriment i would find a list a popular training spots spend 10minutes training and see how much % xp i gained. The most popular training spots are: -MP3&captain latanica -captains and krus -pirates -dual pirates -LHC These are all high rated training spots but exactly how effective are they. At 111 with decent funding and a range of 3800-5000 Mp3 8%every 10 minutes with additional 4% from captain latanica or 48% every hour Captain and Krus is 9.24% every 10minutes or 55.44% every hour which was effective Pirates was 9.5% every 10minutes and was most effective Dual pirates only 6% everyhour due to misses adding up

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