
Lookin for a good class to play

At the moment, Im kinda indecisive as to what class I wanna main.
I have a lot of fun on tankier classes/classes that have a lot of health
I also like putting out damage, not technically hitting the cap but doing decent damage.
Im not rich, not nearly close....
The Kaiser looks really cool to me, but I know games-when a class is extremely strong, itll get nerfed.
Im having a lot of fun on Kaiser, but Im kinda worried about nerfs.
Could anyone recommend a cool class to play?
Some things Im looking for are:
2)Not insane damage, just decent
3)Doesn't require much funding, I only have like 100 mill(I know its something, but compared to "funding standards", not alot)
~4) Playability/Fun to play-This is opinionated. Tell me what you think about the character you're recommending

Thanks to those who respond

January 13, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first



Reply January 13, 2013