

Jett comparison thread

Since Jetts been out a couple days and his skills are confirmed my question is how Buccs and Sairs now compare to it.
From the looks of its skills, it pretty much steals all the best 4th job skills from Sairs+Buccs including an insane 20% boss skill. Even more infuriating is this class doesn't have a single original skill, they are all just reskins and with 2 classes best skills in 1 what sets the original classes apart from this re-skinned copy?

So Now will Buccs and Sairs be obsolete? Because if so I think I'm just gonna quit my Bucc since I've been loyal to it for 3 years and got put over a barrel. >.<

July 1, 2012

15 Comments • Newest first


I don't think a Jett can use S.I. or Time Leap?
Or survive boss runs as well you buccs!
Bucc's will have their advantages.
However Jett will be stronger than you buccs, sorry to say.

My mech is technically obsolete after the pirate revamp, but I still play it because I love it.
Don't quit a class because of damage, unless that's the reason you play, then go for it.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=Gee187]After the revamp Buccs and Sairs will be better. Jett takes a few skills from each of them, but they get the whole thing. The only thing Jett has better is mobility. Soo much speed o.o But Buccs and Sairs will end up better.[/quote]

True about Jett speed o-o no pun intended. They move fast like jets... anyways, they shouldve made corsairs recoild spammable! So mobility is fast =[ I sorta quit my sair cause it was getting too slow...

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=ThisPhoenix]Don't quit and don't care too much.
The game will always update; Jett may get nerfed later on.

For me new jobs are a waste of time; you level them up then don't use them again.
I only level them up to 70 to get the link skill and/or to get items that are only obtainable by the new job and that's about it.

I always go with my buccaneer because the 5 MAIN classes (explorers) are more fun than all the others.
When you pick a new class there is a 90% chance that they will get nerfed; making people quit the class.
An original explorer will always be buffed.

Later on, Maplestory will release a new class then, mark my words, you will hardly see Jett.
I hardly see a Demon slayer or Mercedes.
Remember when people thought mechanics were overpowered; I hardly see one.

My point; don't care too much; everything changes from time to time.[/quote]

So true. I like what you're saying.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

I heard that they're pretty unstable in 4th job because they don't get the increased mastery that Corsairs do.

I dunno, I don't find them that bad. Un-nerfed Cannoneers train faster (to me) and Mercedes was much more ridiculous when she came out.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=yennox]If you're finding it hard to train with 150+ speed, double jump, and a mob skill that hits platforms above you, I'm sure you'll love Brawlers and Gunslingers.[/quote]

I can't get my Jett past level 19, but I'm well on my way to fourth job with my Marauder. I don't think leveling is solely based on how efficient the class is, but also how much interest you have for the class (meaning more time put into it). Just my two cents

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

I'm anti-Jett and Pro-Bucc.. but I gotta say.. their Drone Blast looks so much nicer than Octopunch. It looks like something from gundam.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

Give it a rest. If damage was your issue, you should have gone under that barrel months ago.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=tips1660]@yennox: i've heard from quite a few people that training 30-70 sucks.[/quote]

Because they took out monster park. Furthermore, the pirate class might be less appealing to the population in general, compared to thieves, for example.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

@yennox: i've heard from quite a few people that training 30-70 sucks.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=tips1660]@yennox: i dont use static thumper. I only use triple fire. [/quote]
Well, that's just [i]your[/i] problem if you want to make your life harder. It doesn't represent the training capabilities of the class as a whole.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

@yennox: i dont use static thumper. I only use triple fire. When i play a pirate class, i play it to live out my gunslinging fantasies, not to shoot lasers kthx.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

After the revamp Buccs and Sairs will be better. Jett takes a few skills from each of them, but they get the whole thing. The only thing Jett has better is mobility. Soo much speed o.o But Buccs and Sairs will end up better.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

[quote=tips1660]jett actually sucks to train 30-70. nuff said[/quote]

If you're finding it hard to train with 150+ speed, double jump, and a mob skill that hits platforms above you, I'm sure you'll love Brawlers and Gunslingers.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

jett actually sucks to train 30-70. nuff said

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited

They're not as bad as everyone thinks. If people would just stop getting so wet over it, we might actually reach an understanding.

Reply July 1, 2012 - edited