

My super weird key configuration?

I was thinking about it a lot lately. Why do I have such an interesting key configuration?

Here's what it looks like. Tell me what you think. Also, post your own! I want to see what everyone has!

November 22, 2012

11 Comments • Newest first


Here's my keyconfig. I usually keep main attacks on Ctrl, Shift or A. Attacks with countdown on D. Buffs on Insert and the keys next to backspace. My settings are a bit messy because I have keys that I always fill out on the end, like Y, U and J. But hey, it works for me so I'm happy.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

Not weird at all. I line all my buffs on the number keys and keep all my cool down skills on the quick slots.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

How the hell do you use that setup..? Insanely strange, I don't think I could ever get use to that.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

At least I can actually tell how you play. Most of the people that post have setups that look impossible to me. If you're looking to try something out, perhaps you'll find mine comfortable:

B - Jump
F - Main attack
D - Mob attack
Z - Another attack
G - Loot
N - Booster

I just place my index finger on B, middle finger on F, ring finger on D and little finger on Z, fits well in my opinion. For other attacks I use X, C, V and H and just move the closest finger across/down, and place buffs in macros on Pg Dn, Pg Up and Home in macros.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

@qqopp: Don't worry about your key settings. If that works fine for you then keep it. It's all about a matter of comfort. Nobody can tell you how to feel better or how to feel more comfortable. It all depends on how you feel.

On the other hand, if you want to change your key configuration for a completely different reason, that's totally up to you. Keep trying till you get what you want.

Have a nice day.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

Are you left handed? seems like it would be hard to navigate as a right hander.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

Two things I usually notice. Most people don't remove the useless default keys that they don't use, so they have less room to add in new skills to those keys. Also, most people don't know or want to change their quick slot keys to accommodate for cooldown skills or use items.

The key combination isn't that weird. I have some friends that line up every skill horizontally on one row and nothing else (e.g. Z, X, C, V, B, N, M), or ones that put up use items horizontally on one row only (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0).

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

[url=]Here you go.[/url]

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

I can post my keysettings, but I will have to take a screenshot first.

-Remove buttons you don't even use, there is no point to keep it in your keysettings.
-Move some default buttons to somewhere else (you will get used to it)

So the skills you have put on the keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 (I used to have my buff skills up there too) move them one row lower to QWER. The buttons on QWER you could move those up to 1, 2, 3, and 4 buttons.

The skills will be closer to your hand this way.

Too many people keep a lot of default buttons on the keyboard, I don't know if they even use them all, I highly doubt it.

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

I know. I want to find a new configuration that might be a bit more.. Smooth? LOL

But, I've been so fine with this configuration with years, what should I do?

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited

what the hell, that really looks uncomfortable

Reply November 22, 2012 - edited