

How do you pronounce osu?

is it "oh-soo" or "oss"?

April 13, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


The game?
Oh-sue or oh-seu.

Reply April 14, 2014

osu < Elite beat agents.

Reply April 13, 2014 - edited

It's oh-sue.

@above The key phrase is "on occasion." In its non-conjugated form, a word like "osu" will typically be pronounced "ohsue," especially if it's not at the end of a sentence where some people get crude in enunciating vowels. The slang pronunciation may be "ohs," but it's commonly and properly pronounced as "ohsue." And if OP is referring to the game, it's definitely pronounced "ohsue" as per the developers.

Reply April 13, 2014 - edited

If it's Japanese it's most likely pronounced Ohs. The character "su" is rarely ever pronounced su. Basically the u is dropped. Same goes for Tsu. the U is dropped on occasion. It's not often you see the U in Tsu dropped but it does happen.
That concludes our Japanese lesson for the day. Class dismissed.

Reply April 13, 2014 - edited