

Lets make ridiculous correlations

Let's make them.

Cow poo = methane
methane = global warming
global warming = melting ice caps
melting ice caps = expanding seas
expanding seas = bigger waves
bigger waves = better surf
better surf = more populated beaches
more populated beachs = more trash
more trash = hurts coastal wildlife

cow poop kills coastal wildlife.

May 23, 2011

13 Comments • Newest first


learning=educated minds
educated minds=communism


Reply May 23, 2011

Eating cake = fat
Fat = lazy
Lazy = Eat even more food
Eat even more food = Become poor
Become poor = Become homeless
Become homeless = Lose job
Lose job = No money
No money = No food
No food = No cake

Eating cake prevents you from eating cake. NOOOOOOOO!

Reply May 23, 2011

Large poop = large colon
Large colon = megacolon
Megacolon = large belly
Large belly = have to purchase larger shirt.
Larger shirt = more cotton used.
More cotton used = more demand towards cotton.
More demand towards cotton = rising cotton prices.
Rising cotton prices = market rises.
Market rises = market crashes.
Market crashes = inflation.
Inflation = fall of [Roman] society.
Large poop = fall of society.

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=Overtakenz]Eating cheese = Usage of milk
Usage of milk = Less milk
Less milk = More demand for cows
More demand for cows = Worse economy
Worse economy = Less money
Less money = Can't pay for food
Can't pay for food = Can't buy cheese.

I don't even know.[/quote]

can't buy cheese = depressed you
depressed you = suicidal
suicidal = commit suicide by jumping off bridge

eating cheese makes you commit suicide!

OT: i have another one

fruit = sweet
sweet = sugar
sugar = get fat
get fat = obese
obese = heart disease and diabetes
heart disease and diabetes = early death

eating fruit will cause you to die early! :O

Reply May 23, 2011

taking shower = using lots of water
using water = water deficiency
water deficiency = populations dying from lack of water
populations dying from lack of water = extinction of human species
extinction of human species = earth returning to normal gradually

taking a shower = earth gradually returning to the point before pollution!
i have no idea...

Reply May 23, 2011

Gotta agree with Ricci about the ladies..

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=Ravath]my death = sue
sue = you lose your money
you lose your money = become depressed
become depressed = suicide

so your mother thus resulted in your death as well :c[/quote]

you just predicted my future boy.
or maybe
my mom see my depressed=gives my her credit card
uses credit card to buy an atomic bomb=end of the world
=my mom was the cause of the death of the entire world.
@powermage13: dang mans.

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=Ricci][url=]always thought this was sort of funny[/url][/quote]

Dude, funny junk. Good stuff.. way back when.

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=LoveALexis]ahahah. good one. I can't think of a more witty comeback[/quote]

It's the grandfather's fault! Us men and our darn sexual tendencies!

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=LoveALexis]ahahah. good one. I can't think of a more witty comeback[/quote]

my death = sue
sue = you lose your money
you lose your money = become depressed
become depressed = suicide

so your mother thus resulted in your death as well :c

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=Ravath]Your mom = your pops falls in love
your pops falls in love = your mom gets pregnant
your mom getting pregnant = you
you = nomorehakin
nomorehakin = makes me jealous

dang, so your mom was the mastermind behind my death.. or maybe it was.. YOUR GRANDMOTHER?[/quote]

ahahah. good one. I can't think of a more witty comeback

Reply May 23, 2011

[quote=LoveALexis]nomorehakin=makes you jealous
jealous boy=starts to rage
raging boy=drinks too much beer
drunk boy=goes out driving
drinking and driving=car crash
car crash=oh hell, my existance just caused innocent human sacrifice[/quote]

Your mom = your pops falls in love
your pops falls in love = your mom gets pregnant
your mom getting pregnant = you
you = nomorehakin
nomorehakin = makes me jealous

dang, so your mom was the mastermind behind my death.. or maybe it was.. YOUR GRANDMOTHER?

Reply May 23, 2011

nomorehakin=makes you jealous
jealous boy=starts to rage
raging boy=drinks too much beer
drunk boy=goes out driving
drinking and driving=car crash
car crash=oh hell, my existance just caused innocent human sacrifice

Reply May 23, 2011