

redclaw202 #Jett Talk

General Jett

My Personal Jett Guide I made First off, this is my first guide I've made, so expect it to be awful. :3 I'm basing this off my own experiences, and I'm not going to do the 4th job build, since I haven't gotten mine to 4th job yet. I'm not going to give a description of the skills, if you want them, [url=]here.[/url] When there are multiple levels for skills, do them in order. ("Level 18-21: Shadow Heart +10 (MAX), Tornado Uppercut +2 (2)" For level 18-20, put 3 points into Shadow Heart, at level 21, put 1 point in, and put 2 in Tornado Uppercut) [header]Skill Build[/header] [header2]First Job[/header2] Level 10: Tornado Uppercut +1(1) Level 11: Double Shot +1 (1), Glide Blas