
The day was nigh

As I focused my whole week in preparation of getting my first 200, well I can say, that I have finally done it. It took a lot of ass-sitting...a lot of leeching, and a lot of patience to get where I was from to where I am now. Too bad I couldn't get any blue message confirming my goal, but, it still made me happy right in the bosom inside my chest. It was 3 long, yet lazy years that I decided to get my BaM to a special place today, and I couldn't have gotten it without the help of friends, guildies, and other maplers. Here I stand today with other training masters of the resistance class, and will strive and prosper for any challenges that will come in the future.

Do you have any Level 200 stories? Please tell them below as I'd be happy to hear it!

August 15, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


I talk a lot of trash to botters/exp exploiters and don't care if they retaliate back because hard trainers deserve where they get. Cheaters never win. HoH nerf wasn't a sob story for me but rather a motivation to grind harder and longer every day when im not occupied irl.

Reply August 15, 2014

I trained at HoH during 2x.

Reply August 15, 2014

Job switched to a bishop so I can leech in Sh, then job switched back to a fire poison at 200.


Reply August 15, 2014

I got to level 200 the night before the patch, I had been sitting at 150 then SH came out so I got to 170 then hypers came out and I went to 198, for the crit rate, then sat there till level cap was going to be raised. I hate the idea of not having that yellow bar fill up some after kills, so here I sit at level 205 sometimes I level on accident.

Anyways I would say gratz but you leeched to it so whatever, I will say gratz to who ever actually did the work to get you there though.

Reply August 15, 2014

When I saw that the level cap was rising I quickly began to rush getting to level 200. I grinded those last 20 levels in around a month and 3 days before the cap was risen I made it and got my blue message =). I even got a pic and posted it here but of course few actually cared since many saw 200 as a minor accomplishment at best. That being said I hardly used any party play for it only getting around 3 or so levels at lhc and rarely going to hall of honor. I did most of my grinding the old fashioned way at ToT until i hit 180 and switched to dim invade.

Congratz =).

Reply August 15, 2014

I'll let you know

Reply August 15, 2014