
Do you guys like the new PvP game?

What do you guys think about the new PvP game?
Do you guys think that we're not going to get the old PvP system back at that battle arena place? Especially since there are too many classes and its all an unbalanced mess.
Do you guys prefer the old PvP system over this?
What are some difficulties you've had in PvP game or some annoyances?

For me, the biggest problem is that I don't use ctrl and shift, so it's confusing. I had to change my jump button to "alt" when it used to be "s" and alt is on my thumb, when my jump button used to be pressed by my ring finger, so it is just a whole bunch of blahhh.

July 11, 2015

10 Comments • Newest first


I don't like how the keys are ctrl and shift

Pressing those keys constantly rotates my screen

Reply July 11, 2015

All around, I like it. I think it's really fun and it gives good rewards since it takes so long (comparatively).
My only gripe is that I think Mike (?, the warrior dude with the polearm) needs a bit of a buff to his early game damage (levels 1 and 2). Makes it overly hard for him to get those first levels and get his Shift skill. He hits like 20-30 per hit while everyone else hits 100-200

Reply July 11, 2015

Best thing to happen to maple.

Reply July 11, 2015

[quote=Repentant]I'm not going to touch the new PvP. What I dislike most about this new one is that it feels so impersonal. With the old PvP I could show mastery over [i]my[/i] own class using [i]my[/i] own skills. I felt a certain kind of pride when I was representing my Outlaw on the battlefield. Practicing over and over and topping scoreboards made me feel closer to my class. Now, I'm using a skillset that belongs to someone else. There's no sense of personal achievement. I understand it's easier to balance this way, but it's so bland and unimaginative, I can't be bothered with this new PvP. I'd rather have the old one back.[/quote]
IKR, if only Nexon spent some time to think how to nerf each class inside the PvP to make them equal at base. You chose your class because you like it, not because you wanted to play someone else's class.

Reply July 11, 2015

[quote=Reticent]The one on star planet. It's a new mini game. You fight other players with the provided classes with limited and set skills that are assigned to you. Read updates notes. :X[/quote]

Oh I see, sounds interesting. I was too lazy to read the notes ;p

Reply July 11, 2015

I'm not going to touch the new PvP. What I dislike most about this new one is that it feels so impersonal. With the old PvP I could show mastery over [i]my[/i] own class using [i]my[/i] own skills. I felt a certain kind of pride when I was representing my Outlaw on the battlefield. Practicing over and over and topping scoreboards made me feel closer to my class. Now, I'm using a skillset that belongs to someone else. There's no sense of personal achievement. I understand it's easier to balance this way, but it's so bland and unimaginative, I can't be bothered with this new PvP. I'd rather have the old one back.

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited

I enjoy collecting the tears of my opponents as I crush them.

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited

[quote=zynitekillz]What PvP game[/quote]

The one on star planet. It's a new mini game. You fight other players with the provided classes with limited and set skills that are assigned to you. Read updates notes. :X

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited

maple sucks

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited

What PvP game

Reply July 11, 2015 - edited