
Quest Booster 2x Doesnt work?

Am I the only one facing this problem on my Zero?

I've bought the 2x quest card but it hasn't worked at all since I've bought it.

I confirmed using Hidden Street that the exp I'm receiving is the regular EXP. And yes, the 2x card is in my inventory.

December 25, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=SkyFire]It's been said many, many, MANY times that the exp doesn't show anywhere but your exp bar.[/quote]

Then that's pretty messed up that I still have to grind for a whole level even after doing every single quest available until new quests are unlocked

Reply December 25, 2013

I wouldn't be suprised if it doesn't work right now, seeing as the other 2x coupons ain't working..

I've also had the feeling I've been needing to do ALOT of grinding today.

Reply December 25, 2013