

roshichen #Chat Talk

General Chat

remembering the old times Well, I was checking the reason of why Suushi and Tiger just vanished from the ranking and then I started to remember the old times. Yes, I am a Beta player that played since that time till now (my character is Yoseishi, anmed after my name and my favoirte card in Magic the Gathering). Well, I didn't level that fast because this is my first character but since it has the most memories so I just continue to play it (very ruined character). Anyways, seeming Big Bang comming, I noticed a huge change from the past till now. For example, green mushrooms and iron hogs are almost extinct, no one really cares the old bosses such as mushmom and Jr. Barlog, and I missed the dice program (though it makes my life hard). So wha

General Chat

planting acorn oak nut well, I collected this acorn on 2010 (fall) in Oregon. Although I am not sure what species it is, I think that it might be an Oregon White Oak. Anyways, after two years, I moved from Oregon to Taiwan (an island that is near China) and my mom didn't notice it and brought my stuffs back with the acorn that I collected it. I wanted to plant it in this spring but not sure if it is going to germinate. do anyone know any info. about planting acorns? thanks. PS: the acorn looks dried...