

Mercedes V Speculations

Absolutely 'fictional' and what I would want as my 5th job. However I didn't just add 10000000000% damage to our skills. I tried to be as realistic as possible (meaning I withheld my ambitions down to the very best). As of KMS1.2.195 our DPS on 1v1 targets is approximately 8,416.5%/s(thanks to Defense Break and RoI being jump cast-able). What I have proposed will push that to about 10,405%/s[need to be reworked due to change in Overdrive]. Which is in-line with the current 4th job top 10 DPSers.

"What? so our 5th is inline with 4th for others.. That's stupid." - Yeah well, I'm not certain as to what Nexon plans for 5th but I honestly do not want to be a powerhouse. Not very elegant in my eyes...So I aimed to be a mid-tier DPSer with alot of bossing utlities that overcome the losses in damage.

Anyway, have a read before you go to bed maybe just to laugh at how stupid it is or if you want to critique it feel free to do so. Obviously I have no clue when 5th advancement is so I've only listed a few skills and their max level effect only.

Thought I'd list what I expect from a Mercedes first.

- [b]Mobility/Acrobatic[/b] (Top tier): We can't fall behind or just be 'average' in this. I expect them to be one of the best if not best. Aside from Dual Bladers and the new Thunderbreaker I don't think anyone can outclass her in being acrobatic.

- [b]Hits/s[/b]: Although this means VERY little to damage per second now that the damage cap has been raised for KMS and to be shortly for GMS, I still expect from holding two dual bowguns and with a secondary weapon named Infinity Arrow for her to be top tier hits/s. However as mentioned this doesn't help us in terms of damage and I think 5th job is the best opportunity to make this 'count' and convert to damage(i.e. the more hits/s->more dps).

- [b]Flexibility[/b]: One minute she's firing her bowguns like a machine gun and the next minute she's jumping/gliding/blitzing through the map. She can be very acrobatic for one player or she can be a standard bowman for another by standing back and shooting from afar.

- [b]Nature[/b]: She has a VERY strong reference to mother(goddess of) nature(reproduction) within her skills. I'm going to touch on this a little later but lightning is a BIG no. More green, more nature in 5th job and I wouldn't be surprised if she can ask her little knights(fairy spirit things)to cause rampant growth of trees out of nowhere crushing the mobs. [Okay maybe not.. but my point is that she should be the closest to nature out of any class in MapleStory.]

[header]What used to be in our books and expectations[/header]

Other people's expectations:

I note that there are skills that used to be in KMSt and have been removed in the official server. So I've had a look through and listed them:

[b]Lightning Flare[/b]: Can only be used after Charge Drive. Hits floating enemies to the ground with lightning. There is a chance of instant death, and it passively increases the damage of Charge Drive. (Prerequisite - 5 Final Shot)
At max level, hits 8 enemies for 150% damage 4 times, and there is a 15% chance on instant death. Passively increases the damage of Charge Drive by 30%.

[b]I understand that logic doesn't apply in Maplestory but she's not elemental. NO LIGHTNING PLEASE![/b]

[b]Elemental Knight[/b]: Summons spirit knights to aid you in battle. They will fight monsters that you are attacking.
At max level, [b]summons 3 knights[/b], for 180 seconds, which hit 120% damage.

[b]I observe that a lot of people want to summon 3 knights at once.[/b]

[b]Multi Sniping[/b]: Instantly kills two monsters in front of you. This does not work on bosses, however lethal damage will be applied.
At max level, 2 monsters are instantly killed. On bosses, you hit 1200% critical attack 2 times. Cooldown is 10 seconds.

[b]She's not a sniper[/b]

[b]Edge Spiral[/b]: What Lightning Edge used to be called.

[b]I think it's worth going back to this skill name(although it doesn't sound that great) to get rid of the stupid lightning reference.[/b]

[header]KMS 1.2.220 - Legends Reunite[/header]

Rising Rush - Can now be interrupted by using Lightning Edge. [This allows a smoother transition between RR and Lightning(Blinding) Edge followed by another RR, given there are mobs.]


Blinding(Lightning) edge - Renamed. Touch damage invincibility effected removed (that was added in the recent KMS patch). New effect: 10% chance to stun monsters including bosses for 5s.


[b]Ishtar's blessing [Passive] [/b]
[i]Enchanted with Ishtar's blessing, your attacks(each hit) will plant essences of life onto your target lasting 10s. These essences will later sprout to entangle your target disabling their movement for a set period (works on bosses).[/i]

Max level: Monsters with 100 counters will be disabled movement for 5s. Cooldown 30s. In addition, Monsters with counters will receive 5% damage per counter per second. Max counters per monster: 100.

[b]Overdrive [passive][/b](a.k.a Hyper FA)
[i]While attacking if you remain still for 1 second, your adroitness is increased to its limit allowing you to fire another shot.[/i](Charges while you attack but you have to remain still for it to activate. Once activated you can start to move while having an extra FA on all your skills)

Max level: While Overdrive is activated, during an attack you deal an additional 240% damage for 5s.

Animation: Like what FA used to look like for warriors(flip>attack) and you get a green/blue aura around your Dual Bowguns while the skill has been activated. (ONLY HITS ONCE! nup not twice)
No delay.

[b]Queen/King of Elves (Elvish Blessing)[/b] - Removed from Hyper skills and renamed. Moved to 5th.
Cool down removed.

[b]Wrath of Enreal[/b] - Removed from Hyper skills. Moved to 5th.
Max level: Cool down reduced to 5s. Damage: 500%.

[b]Ground Smash [Active][/b]
[i]A combo finisher that releases a shockwave that hits 10 enemies twice and [b]stuns[/b] them after Rising Rush or Rolling Moonsault. In addition, the damage caused by Rising Rush will be permanently increased. [/i]

Max Level: After RR, Damage: 1000% Hits: 2. After RM, Damage: 2000% Hits: 2.
Rising Rush Damage: +50%
Skill Delay: 540ms at Weapon(3)
Animation: Smashing the ground with her dual bowguns after a somersault... (and I'm sure some of you have realised that I stole the name from the warrior book. Sorry!)

[b] and probably one more attacking skill and one active buff[/b]

I'm thinking of a 1v1 skill that has something to do with elemental knights.


[b]Mobility[/b] Our recent skill adjustments in KMS has made us alot more flexible in terms of mobility. We literally have a library full of them and I believe we do need more mobility (the only mobility option left is to teleport to the other side of the map, which I think is rather stupid).

[b]Bossing Utility[/b] I'm starting to feel even more after the recent changes that Mercedes have been given alot of tweaking to become bossers. 5th job; we SOOO need more of it. That's why I added [b]Ishtar's Blessing[/b].

Essentially it's a compact version of binding darkness(Demon Slayer) that benefits from our hits/s. Obviously with Unlimited our hits/s would mean alot less than it used to (and for the unfunded this meant literally nothing from day 1). So I thought, why not make use of our hits/s to convert it into damage or something useful.

What don't we have in our bossing utility book? Binding/Magic Crash/DR ignore. Hmm we're ranged so DR ignore would be pretty unfair...Which leaves us to binding. Why Nexon didn't include this as an additional effect on LE is beyond me(to me it makes more sense than invincibility from touch) and possibly rename it as blinding edge lul.

It also ... from the way I've worded my skill has an option for DoT 1% per counter maybe? Which I didn't include as of now because I'm not really confident if my readers will like the idea in the first place.

[b]Damage[/b] Long long concern for our fellow Mercedes. New attack skill? NAH. I love RoI and I'm not letting it go. Then how do we increase our damage? More damage% buffs? Nah more skills to cast is stupid. How about we enhance RoI? Yeah maybe...

..and so I thought maybe an advanced version of advanced final attack was an option. I wonder if Mercedes has trigger fingers already from all that fast shooting but let's push this to the limits. Let her concentrate and burst that firing speed to the next level. Also, notice how this increase hits/s which combines very well with my other skill.

[b]Hyper Skills[/b] I was of the understanding this will be phased out/into(or at least half of it) for 5th. And that's what I did Got rid of that last tab to be part of your 5th job. WoE will benefit our mobbing capacity with a damage boost and reduced cool down (note WoE will not be beneficial to your 1v1 DPS).

So...did you enjoy reading my 'very tiny' wish?

June 14, 2013

24 Comments • Newest first


@ryuushinou: Oh I actually read your sentence wrong. I recall a skill being called seal that I have no clue what it does. But yea looking at the extractions bind also takes away boss buffs o.o so stun would be diff.

Reply June 17, 2013

@bluebomber24: Surely you've been sealed by Zakum before. That lock above your head. Oh...well I guess it doesn't move because the programming of it maybe says if you can't do anything just stop moving. But if we take those words literally then they're slightly different(again Nexon's logic is beyond reasoning so Bind=stun for them i.e. no point naming a new status effect on bosses to be stun).

Reply June 17, 2013

@ryuushinou: Bind does immobolize. It stops them from doing anything. At least thats what it looks like. They just stare at you as if they are bugged. I think stun is the same? or maybe stun is a bind for non-Bosses. IDK. Now what the heck does Seal do?

Yea, I don't know, it is hard and balancing the game can be a challenge. I mean even though one could set up a pure binding party, it would take massive organization. I mean, getting a DS and a pally in the same party isn't exactly easy. For starters Pallies arn't a super popular class because of the current addiction to damage. So MAYBE Mercs could get away with Bind of some sort as the placement of the active population is a factor as well.

And yea, im addicted to binders now, actually just put for my daily achievement that I added another DS to my guild today -_-

Reply June 17, 2013

@bluebomber24: Bind doesn't immobolise them? Stun does? I guess it infers different ways of receiving the status effect too. Bind would be our equivalent of being sealed and stun being well obviously stunned.

I'm still working on the durations.. it's really hard to know how long is long and how short is short.. especially in bossing. 1second is the time to cast one buff (at least for Mercedes) which I believe isn't much. Maybe 3s is more appropriate.

As easy as regular RA... you're kidding me. BRB begging binders to be my friend

Reply June 17, 2013

@ryuushinou: Well that's because our Magnus is PURPOSELY harder than other versions, for w/e reason. I guess if he doesn't get buffed in Unleashed its a fair trade. But in thoery you would have no problems if he was the KMS version, even the KMS one after Unlimited, it would just take you FOREVER to kill. I think Pallies and maybe Kaisers are the only ones that can beat GMS version, solo. I know Pallies can if they have the DPM because they would just go bind-attack-immortal-attack-repeat. Super jelly @ pallies. But everyone else dies to that green attack too.

But yea, I underestimated bind too, just one day a demon slayer joined my guild and suddenly labeled me one of her Magnus partners. Typically, you would use your binders and then if you die before the binders cooldown reset, you stay dead and wait for them to rebind. In the past when I went either without a pally or in a average party, the tactic was still kinda hard to pull off and multiple attempts or flat our failure would be possible. However, today was the first time, the DS was able to get me and a pro pally in our guild on at the same time. In that party, Normal Magnus is only slightly harder regular Root Abyss; guaranteed success in under 10 mins. If there was another pally/ds there, it would have been brutal for Magnus. And honestly that may be a secret to beating some of these Chaos Root Abyss bosses easily in the future. Right now, any binder that's high leveled, I want them as a friend/guildie.

Anyway, back to your skills. I dunno about 5 seconds...thats a long time still. I personally would give it a differnet effect for bosses, like 1-2 second(s) of bind and +damage or something and keep the 30 seconds. 1 second can do alot and would make the bind random and hard to plan with other bind. This would allow bosses to at least do something. Also, whats the difference between stun and bind?

Reply June 17, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24: I really need to find a personal binder/assistant o.o but at Magnus I die just as much as any other class would do (that green skill he uses is absolutely lethal...90% of my deaths goes towards this the other 10% are getting charged into the balls). Elsewhere I would have to agree with you.

I must've been underestimating bind (possibly because I don't have binders in my BL) but I've already reduced that skill down to immobolising + 10% stun effect(that works on bosses.. I don't think bosses get stunned at all so thought this would be interesting) on lightning edge instead.

Reply June 17, 2013 - edited

[quote=ryuushinou]I knew someone would say this and half expected you to say it . True the warrior class except Kaisers all have it? Fair enough. I get your point but after all this is is my pitiful wish.

To be honest I don't have any connections in game with the warrior class and the only binder in my BL is a phantom who's stolen the skill. While, I believe Nexon is trying to encourage party-playing and social interaction.. unfortunately I see a lack of that in a Mercedes. If you're funded in GMS we will produce the damage but the only party skill that's not even that much useful is SR (most bossers have 80%+PDR with little effort). With the damage cap about to be raised why fund a Mercedes? we're not even required by the party. There's classes who execute more damage? Why? They're common questions/reasons why Mercedes are not favoured in character selection. Only those who really appreciate the mobility will continue to play this class but that has its limits.

and that's why bind. Bossing utility and useful to keep in a party(however encourages solo play at the same time).

I'm not willing to let it go just yet . Maybe if I think of other skills...maybe[/quote]

Because Nexon is not going to realistically give it to you. I just did a Magnus run with 1 DS and 1 Pally, it was incredibly easy. One more binder and I would actually feel sorry for Magnus. I just don't see Nexon making bosses so susceptible to Bind.

I would pick Mercs simply because they have better survival. Why would I want some idiot powerhouse eating up the party's death count? Success>Time. Thats what I hate about my BM, I feel like I am babied by the party sometimes because outside of moving hurricane's utility I will die faster on some bosses compared to others. The problem is a lot of ppl don't see things in a rational perspective but that doesn't mean you should get greedy skills. I don't know how good Mercs will be after RED, but I somewhat envision them as a class thats really hard to kill. I make bossing buddies but if I was a Merc and a random group asked me why should they add me, it would be "I don't die". Once we enter the boss map, I would add to that sentence "...much..."

Reply June 17, 2013 - edited

Updated OP:

- Modifications to our current skill book,
- New skill: Ground Smash, and
- Changed effects: Ishtar's Blessing (no longer binds completely, however should be useful enough on bosses such as Magnus and Vellum).

This should cover combos/flexibility and mobility. Significant increase in mobbing capacity if ground smash is used after rolling moonsault. (It should become a replacement to Leap Tornado for damage but it doesn't make LT useless. LT after SR is still a good mobbing combo and ground smash can only be used as part of an official combo.)

Reply June 17, 2013 - edited

More passive % skills, and better survivability, please!
Here is my suggestion for a skill:

Super Defense Break (max level 1)
ignore 300% monster def
+69% boss damage
+696 attack perm

Ishtar's OP (max level 2)
196969% damage hit
69 lines
max damage can me customized and set according to player
needs one crossbow arrow in inventory (not to be used, just to be looked at)

superDPS (max level 3)
basically advanced final attack with a 200% chance, increased damage and works for all skills. (if you did a combo, lets say rising rush, moonstar thing, then that leafy thing, each time you hit you would do an extra afa.

Reply June 15, 2013 - edited

Liable, this seems pretty viable,
preach this like the word from the bible,
I think your idea looks reliable
cause the time you put into this is undeniable

Reply June 15, 2013 - edited

[b]Mercedesizdabestest[/b] - Active Skill
Hits 2000% 3 times on 2 monsters.

Animation: Mulan(disney) fireworks style with oonce oonce sound effects.

Reply June 15, 2013 - edited

I just think more passives would be better for 5th job. Too many actives and my whole keyboard is just filled... I kind of like the Overdrive idea. I think WoE was meant to be one of our few mobbing skills for when theres a horde of em. I'm looking forward to a 5th job that I will never get to

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

I just want them to give back 3summon knights and multi-snipe for 5th job

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

@CaptCandy: Oh wow. Great minds think alike . But I've probably pushed that a little further in terms of complexity.. I don't like simple skills

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

@ryuushinou: The overdrive buff is similar to what I proposed earlier in

called Elven Spirit. It's basically overdrive but at 150% damage and is a buff that you cast every 180 seconds or so rather than a passive.

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

@bluebomber24: I knew someone would say this and half expected you to say it . True the warrior class except Kaisers all have it? Fair enough. I get your point but after all this is is my pitiful wish.

To be honest I don't have any connections in game with the warrior class and the only binder in my BL is a phantom who's stolen the skill. While, I believe Nexon is trying to encourage party-playing and social interaction.. unfortunately I see a lack of that in a Mercedes. If you're funded in GMS we will produce the damage but the only party skill that's not even that much useful is SR (most bossers have 80%+PDR with little effort). With the damage cap about to be raised why fund a Mercedes? we're not even required by the party. There's classes who execute more damage? Why? They're common questions/reasons why Mercedes are not favoured in character selection. Only those who really appreciate the mobility will continue to play this class but that has its limits.

and that's why bind. Bossing utility and useful to keep in a party(however encourages solo play at the same time).

I'm not willing to let it go just yet . Maybe if I think of other skills...maybe

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

I don't like the bind skill. Too many binders in this game. Or is it just movement? I am ok with movement but not attacks.

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

@QuantumLegend: Yeah the combos are nice but I don't think it'll work very well in bossing scenarios where it gets broken (100% i-frame is too OP, so I'm not even going to touch that) very often and in a way restricts your movement and actually cause deaths on bosses such as Magnus.

I do however think there should be something on combos... I'm lacking active skills (the things I come up of are mainly passive ;_ so yeah.. Plenty of space.

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

I know RoI is our main attack, but I still kind of wish our combos were more useful; those made us rather unique and saved from being another sit and shoot class like most others out there. However since Ishtar's will probably stay our trademark, especially vs bosses, perhaps they could even (I'm really tired right now so this may sound terribly stupid later) make a pure combo-ing class with linking moves similar to a Merc's and an extensive, branching collage of skill linkage choices. Like what the tried making Hayato, just more in depth and free.

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

[quote=airforce1]It almost seems like you should just stand around waiting for WoE to get over drive active. Honestly, a 5sec cd skills would just be annoying for me. Restarting IR that often would just cause frustration with server lag.[/quote]

Actually WoE is not beneficial and shouldn't even be casted on 1v1 scenarios since the recent KMS skill changes. This only just reinforces it. The 500% damage is actually not much and doesn't warrant you sitting there spamming it when it's available .

Oh and I think I should be more clear Over drive charges while you attack. (i.e. while you cast RoI stay still)

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

It almost seems like you should just stand around waiting for WoE to get over drive active. Honestly, a 5sec cd skills would just be annoying for me. Restarting IR that often would just cause frustration with server lag.

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

@ImaHooka: Yeah that's what I was thinking as I was writing it. 5s at Magnus is VERY long.. So yeah either a different activation mechanism or a shorter duration would probably suit better.

But I definitely want it to be a double edged sword (take a risk to increase damage). This will give more flexibility in our game play.

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited

Definitely an interesting opinion on mercedes 5th job, im not sure i fully understand the overdrive bit, but i dont think that making us remain still would be too beneficial especially at bosses such as magnus or RA where bosses have 1 hit ko skills. I actually think mercs need better mobbing but thats just my personal views. Definitely looking forward to more ideas you have

Reply June 14, 2013 - edited