
Another hacked thread

So yeah, I got hacked lol. Ended up logging on and seeing my character in FM. I Already knew I got hacked. Hacker took my 10atk gloves, evolve ring, 30m, and 4% dex earrings. Surprisingly, the hacker didn't take other things I had that they could have sold. Discouraging to be hacked for the first time, but at least I got things that I can still sell and make money to get my items back.

March 30, 2012

18 Comments • Newest first


wow look at those ears wth is this a star trek convention?

Reply March 30, 2012

im kind of not surprised he got hacked because from what i have seen hes very annoying in game just from the way he types. he lets people step all over him and he likes saying bro a lot

Reply March 30, 2012

People often miss understand what a database leak means. Even when there is a leak (or a hole for the hacker to peek into the database), it does not mean the hacker is able to get EVERYONE's password, as the database only contain the hashed value for the password and the hacker need to "unhash" them in order to get into the accounts. This is why not everyone gets hack and why it appears random. As if the account have a strong passwords (MS and email) the hacker can't easily "unhash" the password, so only those that have "weak" password will get hack.

Strong password - random 19 chars consist of upper/lower case letters, numbers AND symbols. Also maximize and randomize your PIC too (i.e. 16 chars)

Reply March 30, 2012

@s2vietx: Good luck recovering from that, i just recently got hacked and lost everything so i quit, but its good to see that you still have drive to recover ^_^

Reply March 30, 2012

[quote=Torq]You most likely did something to get hacked out of no where like that. There is no leak bc if there was then all the top lvl 200s and other godly well known maplers would be hacked first. Also these threads create unnecessary spam and take up unneeded space. The only reason you made this thread is so you can try to get others to give you stuff hopefully or give you sympathy. If that isn't what you wanted then I don't really see a point in spamming the forums with your QQ threads about it. Yes I don't need to read and click on this thread but like I said these threads take up space where other more important threads should be seen.[/quote]

Sorry, but I didn't, so Idk how I got hacked regardless. Lol, "unneeded space." Again, you assume things. I never ever stated asking for donations or items. Friends, strangers, and even guildies were nice enough to help. Did I ask for sympathy ever? Nope. I can post a thread and say what I want as long as it's in the rules. So, please be quiet with your assumptions. Btw, people will always make threads about them getting hacked. So, complaining about people making it isn't going to help you in any way.

Reply March 30, 2012

[quote=Torq]We don't need to read another QQ thread. Honestly who really cares about you being hacked? No offense at all but it is the truth. The people who say " i care" or " Sorry for your loss" really don't care at all and are just trying to be nice. Want to know why they don't care? For one they will forget about this post tmrw or the day after and not even check on you to see how things are going. Lastly, if they really cared they would find a way to help you or if they can't at least check up on you every so often to see how things goes. However, no one in this thread will do any of those since they really don't care. This world is a cold world and very few people would actually help strangers especially in a game. So really you got hacked. That is too bad and hope things do get better for you, but no one really needs to know this information except your friends, guild mates, gf/bf, and anyone else in the game that is close to you that could actually help you out.

Edit: Also learn to take care of your pc better. Don't blame it on leaks in Nexon bc that isn't true. You didn't take care of your pc bc you either went an try to dl mesos genertors, bought mesos from untranslatable sites, told your info to people who you thought were your friends, went to websites that say or w/e, or got viruses from other websites that you didn't know where you got it from. It is important to clean your pc once a week at least and run virus scans. The net is a terrible place if you don't have proper protection. Even websites that google lists could contain viruses, and don't think that you getting a virus from another site won't connect with your MS account. You could got a virus from looking at naughty sites and that could someone leak into your msn,email accounts and thus connect with your MS acct. Take care of your pc better and you won't have this happening to you.[/quote]

If you don't like these threads, then don't bother clicking them. I along others whom got hacked and made a thread can voice what we want. As can you, but like I said if you're annoyed by them, don't click it. Did I ask for sympathy? No. Is it nice to get it from people though? Sure. Have I been getting help? I've gotten help from friends and even random people who whispered me in game.

As for your pc paragraphs, I never blamed Nexon from what I've said. I never went on sites that you've have said either. I'm the only one who knows the account info. Nobody else. I scan regularly, and my pc is protected well. Do I know how I got hacked? No. But, I never blamed Nexon, so please be quiet with your assumptions.

Reply March 30, 2012

[quote=imweetarded]Haters make me laugh sorry for your loss. Try changing your email, passwords, security questions and all, the guy might come back for your stuff.[/quote]

Haters gonna hate lolol . I already did. Thanks for the tip.

Reply March 30, 2012

Haters make me laugh sorry for your loss. Try changing your email, passwords, security questions and all, the guy might come back for your stuff.

Reply March 30, 2012

You got off pretty lucky, lol. At least you didn't lose much so gl getting back in.

Reply March 30, 2012

[quote=Godsniperz]Its like saying
"I got hacked instantly right when the new hack shield came!"

Hacked is still hacked. Moron.

Reply March 30, 2012

You do know the hacker left you stuff so you can recover only to hack you again right? They do it with pretty much everyone

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=QuackOutLoud]Oh wow, hackers are willing to take stuff even if its not godly rare?
I'm glad 80% of my equips are untradeable.[/quote]

I guess so. Lol, I'm glad that some stuff the hacker could have taken is still with me.

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

Oh wow, hackers are willing to take stuff even if its not godly rare?
I'm glad 80% of my equips are untradeable.

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=Godsniperz]Naah, This is rubbish, my dog can do better trolling.
no one would hack for that crap [/quote]

Haha, you're funny. I wouldn't bother lying if I got hacked. Regardless what you think and assume, I did get hacked. Have a nice day.

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=SmashFace]At least you didn't lose to much and should be able to recover[/quote]

Yeah, that's one positive thing. I still got items to sell that can make me mesos.

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

At least you didn't lose to much and should be able to recover

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=HopeSlash]i think the guy that hacked you was the guy you were messing with yesterday in henesys ch 1[/quote]

The bronx guy? If so, I highly doubt it. The guy trolls random people.

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited

i think the guy that hacked you was the guy you were messing with yesterday in henesys ch 1

Reply March 30, 2012 - edited