

Using le gay card

I've been seeing a lot of this, and especially on Basil.
But, why do people bring attention to just being gay?
I couldn't care less if it was trolling or not, but asking for more respect just because you differ from the vast majority makes me lose all of my respect.
I say, love who you love, do what you do, but take a word from a common reader here.

April 4, 2016

2 Comments • Newest first


I think there's a lot of younger people who, now that being gay is becoming a bit more acceptable, are willing to try on the label to be edgy and they like to shove it in people's faces. It's good that being gay is becoming accepted because now people who would have hid it their whole lives may feel more comfortable really being themselves. However we have to deal with the 13 yr olds who like to try gay or bisexual on now. As far as older people go, most of the 18+ LGTBQ+ individual I've met don't really care. Yeah they're gay, but it's not all they are. They're hairdressers, or scientists, or artists. There are some older people who are like "SCREW YOU, WORLD, I'M GAY!" To which I just respond, "Oh okay. Cool. Same-ish. What's up?" I think it comes from gay being so unacceptable in the past though. It's far less common on the west and most of the east coast of the United States to get discriminate against for being gay now days. The south and mid-America, though? Still pretty common. So I think there's a lot of factors behind it. Other than just trying to troll lol

Reply April 5, 2016 - edited

Because they think they're at a higher standard compared to us.

Reply April 5, 2016 - edited