

sano4444 #General Talk


Mini guide for level 40-70 training Im sure the majority of basil has already seen the post BB training guide already, How ever i feel as though it left out some vital information for these specific levels. In the guide it suggests that level 40 maplers go to kerning square. I 100% agree. BUT! I would rather tell you to kerning square 7th and 8th floor*the map before the guitar boss thingy* At around level 40...Gee i dont remember the exact amount % i was getting but it should have been 0.20% per kill. even now at level 59 i get 0.05% here. I believe this area proves most worthy for Mages of all kind,wild hunters, Dawn warriors, Dits sins and night walkers and db's. Reason being is that because this map is a little long and these classes us


lvl 52-100 training for perm beginners? As the tittle implies, im seeking advice on to where i should take my level 52 perm beginner to grind. Id rather grind than sit hours trying to get into some type of Pq. So what are the best places that a beginner can level decently fast with little to no ksing as well as taking light hits. Im still training at brown teddies as they give me about 0.10% every other kill, but a link to a guide for beginer training for 50+ or advice in a comment would be nice. thank you kindly :)


Looking for a price check. Well i been trying to sell this darn maple shield for so long now and i keep getting fake offers or noob/merched offers. So im asking you basil, on average how much would a str +9 weapon attack +18 2 slot hammered twice un-potted maple shield sell for, If it matters any, i am in bera. The latest offer i received that seems honest is 750m, but i do not know if i could get more or not. *This is a repost as the thread i made a few hours ago only yielded 1 response and it was not helpful*


Resistance and casandra Well u know when u get a resis class to 30 40 50 and so on so forth, she gives u a exp capsule? Well i just went to casandra on my level 76 battle mage and got 4 of those and then recieved a "resistance secret box" It says as its item description "a secret box with something hidden inside.its locked with a password. it [b]Can[/b] be [b]opened after december 20th[/b] but it doesnt seem like it can just be opened by anyone though." I cant speak to casandra again cause she only has the lvl 80 quest for the next exp capsule. Maple Admin doesnt say anything and neither does Gaga. So i thought this was how we got the res ring so i went from ariant to eldestien to see ferdi. But he doesnt do anything eit


Need a price check and a question So i have this sexy glove here and i was wondering how much its value is. Now, as a beginner, im striving for a 150k range minimum clean. Currently i have a 78k clean range with no att buffs or pots, obviously as a beginner im using a 26 att scg. if i were to scroll the above linked glove, it'd be better attack and potential thus increasing my range. However, my delima is this. Should i use gfa 10%'s and only go for the max of 39 attack or should i attempt a few miracaulous chaos scrolls? (i believe those are the ones that only add, not take and can give up to 10 right?) i was thinking, if i get lucky with even one and get atleast a +5 i could than finish with 10%'s. obviously if i fail, id reset its slots

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