sasukukchia #General Talk


Upcommin Mercedes View Point Ok so hi there. Is it just me, but when i see mercedes i think of Zelda, no not the boy the princess (i just know some people will be like "Zeldas the boy"), now im not flaming or anything but: Zelda= Elf-y ears Mercedes= Elf-y ears Zelda= light arrows that appear yellowish mercedes= a few yellow arrow skills Zelda= Dins Flame, Nayrus Love, Farore's Wind Mercedes= Ignis Lore(a flame), Water shield(its blue, and protects somewhat), Soul Purify(idk just reminds me of farore) So yea.. Dont take it the wrong way, just sharring my view points ^^


3 Legends Down, 2 to go HI everyone, so as most of you know, Mercedes is our new archer Legend! Personally im very exited for it but what about the 2 remaining legends? As we already know, the legends have brought something new with them Ex. Aran introduced the combo system while evan brought along the 10 growths of the dragon So heres my question, what do you think the thief and pirate legends will be like? Im talking weapons (new or old), skills, story (if you like), and so on. So please discuss and share your opinions! Also no trolling please :D EDIT: Feel Free to talk about the thief resistance as well!