Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Reveal Trailer


Modern Warfare 3!

Who else is excited about this, I like how MW3 = WW3.

May 24, 2011

8 Comments • Newest first


But what MW3 has over most CoD's, is that they're bringing back a lot of old weapons and redesigning them, and putting in a lot of new weapons.
So there will be a lot of the Veteran Player's + New Comer's on MW3 = More copies sold world wide.

Reply May 25, 2011

[quote=poepienee]I don't like zombies. Takes too long and is too repititive Are you on PS3 or Xbox?[/quote]

PS3, so I'm getting that new BO map pack in a week Only buying it for the zombie map, Ascension was such a great map, best DLC I did ever also did the new map (which is already released at Xbox) at a friend, and it looks cool too ^^ I love the easter eggs in the game too.
btw I always play zombies with friends or online with headset with friends, else it's just boring

Reply May 24, 2011

[quote=poepienee]Because everyone expected it so big after MW2. On youtube, when MW2 came out, everyone did commentaries for months! People already got bored after a month from Black Ops. I returned as well. I think Black Ops is decent but there are only a few good guns. In MW2, you could pick any gun and do decent, which is more fun IMO. I like the maps of BO more though. MW2 had people addicted like crazy, BO wasn't like this.

I'm assuming this is your first CoD?[/quote]

nah ive been playing them since CoD 4. But once again, it all comes down to opinion. All my friends still play Black Ops along with me and I personally like it much better. On the whole commentary thing, im subscribed to a bunch and I still see new commentaries daily from different people. Even if Black Ops was only popular because of how MW2 did, you will honestly never know unless you can ask every single person that plays the two games.

Reply May 24, 2011

[quote=Effinjoog]To each their own man. Black Ops was still the more successful out of the two.[/quote]

MW2's succes (which was caused because of MW's succes,) caused Black Ops to be an even bigger succes, alot of people bought it on the first day(s). But because the gameplay is a bit diffrent, alot people who used to play MW2, find MW2 more fun.. So in terms of money you can say that BO is more succesful, but in the other hand also
not, because a really big part of BO's succes is because of MW2.

@ above, true. I played MW2 for 1 full year (stopped when black ops came out,) and reached prestige 10 (without hacks ) Black Ops has like 15 prestiges, but I only got to the first presitge and then quitted... I only play Black Ops now for the zombie mode, which is awesome

Reply May 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=poepienee]Black Ops fed off MW2. I'm not saying Black Ops is bad, but MW2 is way more fun.[/quote]

To each their own man. Black Ops was still the more successful out of the two.

Reply May 24, 2011 - edited

I heard the engine was the same.

Reply May 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=EenRite]Activision ran the franchise into the ground with all of its installments, spin-offs, and pointless expansions. The IP has been completely devalued because its publisher sought to milk as much money out of it as possible.[/quote]

I dunno id blame the fans than. Every new CoD release seems to sell more copies than the ones before. Blacks Ops was no different. From what I can see, its getting more and more successful as new parts come out.

Reply May 24, 2011 - edited

[quote=ImJuggernaut]It's will be the same as 4,5,6 & 7.
No innovation, probably will die like Guitar Hero.[/quote]

Why change a good thing? Around here Guitar Hero is still really popular. Not to mention games like Madden release the same thing every year with new players/minor changes and the games are still huge.

Reply May 24, 2011 - edited