

setevensin #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

I need some help~ So last night to get enough woods to get a brand new arcglaive i sold my pants. I wondered why I hadn't thought of this before. After I sold it however, it hit me. I can't wear the arcglaive without 80 dex..... And after that I got mad and scrolled my black belt and that went boom. GREAT. Well anyways I'm at 62m now and is there any cheap ways to get that last 18 dex? as of now i have earrings with no dex a cape with 8 dex shoes 7 dex gloves 5 dex top... so do you guys know any ways to get any cheap dex? this would be very helpful thank you~! Oh and I also have no belt and probably could get a white belt pretty quickly and if i have time a redish belt. So yea...