

Question for SAI Paint-Tool Users

Hello Basilers/SAI Paint-tool users!
I have the program Paint-tool SAI and when I saved an image, I couldn't open it.
Do you guys know what program I need to use to view the image? If so, can you list a link where I can DL it from? Thanks!
If this helps, my computer is Windows 7 64-bit

January 9, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


@NotSoPro: That's weird :l cause when I try to open it with SAI, a window pops up and says "Can't run sai.exe (CreateProcess failed with error 2)." o-o;

Reply January 9, 2011

Can you read Japanese..? There should be both a "Save" and a "Save as.." on the File menu.

DON'T use "Save", use "Save As.." and choose something other than .SAI to save the pictures. If you save them as .PNG or .JPG you should be able to open them in any picture viewing program. (Just like my first reply ^^^ said.)

Reply January 9, 2011

@NotSoPro: after i save a file, it doesn't have a program to save on so it does nothing. i tried saving it on .SAI but then after the file appears on my desktop, it can't open

Reply January 9, 2011

Hm..I can't seem to open it still :l
any other ideas? D:

Reply January 9, 2011

I've never use that particular paint program, but usually when you "Save As...", there will be a drop-down menu that lets you choose the "format" you save the picture in. If you select a format like "jpg" or "png" you should be able to open the saved files in practically any picture viewing application.

If you just use "Save" in a program, it may save the file in its own proprietary format (for example Photoshop saves in ".psp" format), which may mean you can only open the file in the same program you used to create it.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited