

Ever remade a piece of clothing or something like that

Just like the title says Ever made anything like that? Like fixing some rips or holes on your jeans, adding sleeves to your t-shirt etc. etc.

It can be everything From own designs to small changes in clothings and shoes and such XD

Personally, I replaced the black shoelace on my shoes with white shoelaces. Made the shoes 'shine' somehow XDD (I changed because the black laces were pretty worn out , I would never have guessed it'd look so good though :O)

October 6, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Not really. I just get patches sewn onto t-shirt sleeves. Plain sleeves bother me. xD

I don't fix holes/rips on my jeans. I see them as signs of how reliable those jeans are. If they get too torn, it's time for them to rest and be re-used as material for other things. xD

Reply October 6, 2011