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Black Ops 2x xp 6/10/11 to 6/12/11

Incase you didn't know Black Ops is having a 2x exp "weekend" from Thursday June 9th to Sunday June 12th. They decided to bring back NukeTown 24/7.
NukeTown 24/7 incase you didn't know this also is a Moshpit of only the map NukeTown.


For MW3 Info:

June 11, 2011

8 Comments • Newest first


@connor8000: How am I whining? why don't you take your crap else where. I am simply saying if your 15/50 why come into a 2x thread just to brag? it only makes you look like you need attention really bad.

Reply June 12, 2011

time to get to 4th prestige .

Reply June 11, 2011

[quote=shadow4son]@connor8000: I suck at CoD? How about you judge after you see people play? I am 4/48 or 49. I don't need people telling me if I suck or not. Yes I know it isn't hard to get 15/50 it just takes some time. I said he hacked or what ever because why come into a thread about 2x just to brag about being 15/50. There is nothing special about people that are 15/50. If I saw somebody that was 15/50 I would think, "okay a 15/50... woohoo."[/quote]
I'm judging you cause you're whining, just like any other 12 year old online you see on CoD

Reply June 11, 2011

@connor8000: I suck at CoD? How about you judge after you see people play? I am 4/48 or 49. I don't need people telling me if I suck or not. Yes I know it isn't hard to get 15/50 it just takes some time. I said he hacked or what ever because why come into a thread about 2x just to brag about being 15/50. There is nothing special about people that are 15/50. If I saw somebody that was 15/50 I would think, "okay a 15/50... woohoo."

Reply June 11, 2011

[quote=Phlem]Umm, is the nuketown 24/7 only for 360?

If it is, I'm going to rage quit and finish infamous so I can buy the second.[/quote]

I'm thinking it is since PSN just got the map pack. 360 had 2x exp when the map pack came out for them. Regardless I'll be playing a bit of the new Zombie map and that's it. Not really interested in BLOPS multi-player since I've already reached level 50. (Yes I haven't prestiged, I don't really care about the gold camo...)

Reply June 11, 2011

[quote=shadow4son]Then why comment on this thread with a very clear title.
The door is over there, don't let it hit you on the way out. I have a feeling you either hacked or spent too much time..

P.S Kids just because your 15/50 means nothing. There were so many glitches and even more hacks you can use to get it.

EDIT: @Phelm I do not know.. I know it is on the 360. Sorry I only have a xbox 360.[/quote]
Your jealous obviously.
The games been out since November, it's not that hard get 15th prestige, even if you play 1-2 hours a day. Just because you suck at CoD and can't level up fast enough doesn't mean nobody else can.

Reply June 11, 2011

[quote=xReborn]I could care less now that I'm 15th 50.[/quote]

Then why comment on this thread with a very clear title.
The door is over there, don't let it hit you on the way out. I have a feeling you either hacked or spent too much time..

P.S Kids just because your 15/50 means nothing. There were so many glitches and even more hacks you can use to get it.

EDIT: @Phelm I do not know.. I know it is on the 360. Sorry I only have a xbox 360.

Reply June 11, 2011 - edited

It's like playing twice as much in half the time!

Reply June 11, 2011 - edited