

League Interest

So lately my friends have been playing league
and i know i could just look it up at a wiki
but i'd like to know from some real players what the basics are
thanks and it's ok if you don't want to help a noob like me

August 5, 2013

17 Comments • Newest first


so who's a good guy to start out with?

Reply August 6, 2013

I feel as if this is a very hard game to learn... but i'm picking it up

Reply August 5, 2013

Just look on Youtube . BTW, it's a good idea to check out champion spotlights if you wanna find another champions
Play the Free to play champions and play some ARAM to find a champion for you.

Reply August 5, 2013

Watch videos, don't turret dive (noobs often do this), last hit, and stick with one champion for a while just so you can get
the hang of the game. Experience is mostly how you get better at the game.

Reply August 5, 2013

Reply August 5, 2013

Whenever you are versus a Fiora, Renekton, Jax, or Riven in lane always duel them. You'll easily win against them in duels.

Reply August 5, 2013

Q W E R are your skills
18 is the max level
5 level up points to max a skill (except certain champions)
Champions are the people you can play as
5 different roles (solo top, jungler, mid, duo bot)
3 "lanes" (map is situated as 3 paths through a jungle and a river) [url='s_Rift_In-Game.jpg]In game map of the main "play area" Summoner's Rift[/url] map looks out dated, but the set up is pretty similar to the current map.

Jungler- The one guy in the team that uses the Summoner Spell "Smite". Smite deals True Damage to monsters (straight up damage, no armor or magic resist can reduce it) and hunts the monsters in the forest for exp, occasionally going to other lanes to "gank" (basically just making the odds unfair for them, like 2v1 or 3v2)

ADC- Attack Damage Carry, they're responsible for the major damage dealing of a team, main goal is to keep killing this guy on the enemy team while protecting your own. Tends to use basic attacks over skills

Support- This guy needs no introduction. Keeps the ADC alive while they farm bottom while also setting up kills, zoning (keeping them away) from the minions and is allowed to dive into a 1v5 situation to help the team escape.

Solo Top- Pretty much only guy in the lane. Tends to build tanky or damage, depending on the champion. relies on ganks early game

Mid- The only person that goes mid. Tends to be an AP champ (Ability Power) uses skills to burst enemies (spamming off skills). Occasionally they might be "poke champs" that are AD, or "brute mids" that are usually tanky champs building flat AD or AP

Baron- The "main boss" in Summoner's Rift. Gives a global buff to your team if you manage to kill it. Other teams might send to jungler to "Smite Steal" it (steal it with the Smite's true damage, 1000 true damage at level 18).

Dragon- Not much, gives global gold to team when killed.

Blue- Big golem dude in the jungle. Killed for a buff that gives Cooldown Reduction, Mana Regen, small amount of AP

Red- Big lizard dude in the jungle. Killed for a buff that gives AD, small burn effect, and splash damage from basic attacks (does damage to nearby enemies)

Green Ward- Sight ward, common item for supports, but should be obtained on other roles too, since the support can roam to ward till mid game

Pink Ward- Leave this to the support and or jungler, since they're the ones that will be roaming more often in the late game. mainly used on the Dragon and Baron areas, unless dealing with champs that can go invisible.

Tower Dive- simply put, its diving tower damage to chase or kill an enemy champ

Tank- 'nuff said. Don't focus this guy in a team fight. Make your own try to peel for you (peel is splitting the enemy group up into muck more killable targets). Can tank turret shots if needed.

Split push- Pushing Mid lane as the team while sending one guy (mainly the solo top or ADC if the ADC is fed enough) to force turrets down in multiple places.

Back Door- Split Pushing into the enemy base if the enemy has pushed into YOUR base and is still there. (Split pusher tends to have the Summoner Skill "Teleport" or has teleport skills)

Feed- Getting kills to your own team (getting your team fed) or getting the enemy team fed (Feeding). Feeding is bad, unless you're the support, then running into the enemy team to buy time for your team to escape is a good thing.

Carrying- Having enough kills/damage to be able to push/kill.

I know I'm forgetting a few more, but this is as much that I can post off the top of my head.

Reply August 5, 2013

Whenever you see a teemo(THE RAT) you must slaughter him without mercy.

Reply August 5, 2013

haha the whole point was that i had never played a moba before so i wanted to try one
thanks for the tips guys!
if i only knew what the fancy terminology meant....

Reply August 5, 2013

Last hit. Don't rage. Don't do stupid things. Watch Streams. You'll learn from those.

Reply August 5, 2013

If you're a ranged attack damage person, like Miss Fortune, you are an ADC. Go to the bottom lane and only attack minions when they have LOW health for the final shot. Stay behind your friendly ones too so the other person is less likely to hurt you. Press S to stop having your character hit everything by him/herself or to immediately stop everything you're doing.

If you're a support, like Sona. you go to the bottom lane to support your ADC, by either stunning or dealing damage to the enemy without taking any in return, setting up kills for your ADC, or sustaining him/her through the phase which you and your opponents stay in lane.

If you're an ability power caster, like Twisted Fate, you are the APC. You go to the middle lane. You do not get a support, and your goal is to stay in lane as long as possible. It is very risky to extend far into your lane and it is very likely their jungler will come out from their jungle to surprise you if you extend far out. Try not to die, and if possible attack your opponent without taking damage in return. Getting the last hit on minions will grant you gold and is very helpful.

Almost anyone can go to the top lane, but it is very common to see melee attack damage people. Same concept as the middle lane.

The jungle is meant for very specific characters, but almost anyone can fill this role. Your job is to kill the monsters in there for gold and experience, and make trips to other lanes to set up kills for your team. The second part is helpful and people will like it if you do, however you do not have to. Don't go balls-to-the-wall either and just jump into their lane. If the enemy is very close to your team and far from their turret it is very likely you can do this successfully.

Warding is very helpful too. A ward is an item that costs 75 gold and will reveal areas you cannot see for three minutes. This can help from the enemy characters leaving their lane and going to yours to try and kill you, or to secure an objective like the Dragon, which gives gold to everyone on the slayer's team. The support is usually the one to buy these BUT EVERYONE should be buying them, as the support has very limited gold compared to everyone else.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

I would also like to know the basics. My friend "tried" to teach me, but he just kept trolling and killing me -.-

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

no fancy terms please

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=NoNsensical]Follow Singed.[/quote]

Turret dive early on, it will catch your opponent by surprise, especially at higher elos.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

Follow Singed.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited