
Xenon question

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I haven't been around to see. Could anyone please tell me the best/correct/most effective way to distribute Xenon AP? And does the way its distributed change depending on level? Or is it constant the whole time? All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

July 7, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


1st job 40/40/40
2nd job 90/90/90
3rd 150/150/150
4th 250/250/250
Then you work to get 330/330/330 + 18 on w/e

Reply July 7, 2013

Distribute it evenly between STR, DEX and LUK. I think when you get to a certain number for each stat (330?) You add it to the stat you have the least amount of points in

Reply July 7, 2013