

Is it wrong to get a tattoo at 16?

When I turn 16, my mom is going to take me to get a tattoo. We all know my dad is going to flip, but when I tell some people they look at me like I'm a rebel for wanting it. So, is it wrong for me to get a tattoo when I turn 16?

November 1, 2011

43 Comments • Newest first


I thinkk you should go for what you want. I want a tattoo on my wrists (something symbolic) but I know my parents are going to flip & well. I'd get in a huge huge trouble.
If your mother approves of it, I see no huge problem. I mean, as long as it's not inappropriate or whatever I think it's fine.
Go for it. (:

Reply November 7, 2011

I know a few people in my school with tattoos but it doesn't really even mean anything other than your parents let you get one and you wanted one.
At 16 I probably wouldn't simply because at that stage in life I probably couldn't choose something that holds enough meaning that can match the permanence of a tattoo.

Reply November 4, 2011

[quote=Masterm1nd]I thought you had to be 18?[/quote]

Not if you your parents or tutor's approval and they come along with you. Might also depends on states/provinces/countries. It's all about legal age which may varie from a place to another. I believe it is the same for body piercing except for ears lobes.

Reply November 2, 2011

@Masterm1nd, not unless you have a parent/anyone over 20something there or unless you do it from a friend who is a professional hahaha

Reply November 2, 2011

@BoyRocket: Keep believing I have a poor sens of judgement then if it makes you feel superior or better about yourself. I couldn't careless about it since I don't consider the action of smoking is just one of the few flaws I may have. If I would have decided to say something else about myself, maybe all your unecessary comments would have been different.

Reply November 2, 2011 - edited

Your body is a Temple, and should not be desecrated.
Interpret this as you wish.

Reply November 2, 2011 - edited

Depends on what place and how big it is, I guess.

This girl who's in my grade (14 or 13) got a Hello Kitty tattoo on the top left of her back.

Reply November 2, 2011 - edited

It's not wrong, probably just frowned upon by a lot of people.. Religion or somethinglike that

Reply November 2, 2011 - edited

Hahaha, I got my first tattoo when I was 17 and I didn't even let my parents know. So don't even worry about it! As long as it's something that isn't about "Boyfriend/Girlfriend" or anything stupid that you [b]know[/b] you will regret, then don't worry about it! Also, don't get a tramp stamp PLEASE and preferrably somewhere that won't affect your work life in the future. <<< my first tattoo hahaha

EDIT : I let my parents know after it healed
EDIT2 : There is significant meaning behind why I got it, so don't assume "oh what a stupid tattoo" c:

Reply November 2, 2011 - edited

@BoyRocket: I'm not implaying this information that I smoke to be cool. I used this as exemple. As in people shouldn't be judging someone for their tattoo. Someone shouldn't judge another person because they smoke. People shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Get the point?

I'm sharing information about myself because I can't speak for others as we all have different point of view and I dislike generalisation. SO all I can really do here is use my own experience in what concern tattoo. I just think people tend to over rate their first impression about someone and rather than picking on something positive about a person they will find it easier to find something they dislike.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[quote=DrTeletubbie]Get a henna, then decide.[/quote]

I like this idea

Have a test-run and if you like it for sure, keep it. I don't think there's anything morally wrong with getting a tattoo, but it's easy to get one you don't want later in life.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

Well I just came up with this idea for you, TS. Since you seems unsure wether you should get a tattoo or not, how about you first choose what you want and then get it done with permanant marker on the area of your body where you would like to have it? Start with black outline and maybe add color later one? Keep it for 2-3 weeks and if you still like it get it done for real?

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

I'm not going to say it's wrong, but you might want to take into consideration that 16 is a bit young for something permanent. Also, the chemicals in tattoos are not regulated by the FDA and are known to contain harmful chemicals such as mercury and arsenic. To remove a tattoo, a laser must be used to melt the pigment crystals into your bloodstream (toxic chemicals in your bloodstream, yay! o_o). Personally, I wouldn't do it, but it's not like I can tell you not to. It's your choice.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

Honestly, there isn't anything wrong with it. There's just a perception in our culture that there's a proper age needed to get a tattoo. Wheras there are some cultures around the world that allow (or sometimes require) tattoos from a very young age.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

@DrKiki: Well if you really want to know, here are some picture of 2 of my tattoos. I have no picture of my first one but it's a heart on my left shoulder.

Edit: Tinypic website doesn't seem to work for me at the moment. I'll post picture later.

Anywho, I got to stars on my lower back and symbols on my right anckle.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

@BoyRocket: I did not say go for it. If you would read my post carefully, I said do whatever you want. If she doesn't feel ready for it, then don't do it. In the other hand if she want to get one, then go ahead. In brief, what I was saying is the only decision that matter in the ends it's hers. She can ask advice around for sure, but she shouldn't let other influence her.

I never stated cigarette was good for my health or anyone's health. Obviously it is something bad. You say I lack judgement? Just look at your post then you might reconsider what you said. You are somewhat assuming that because I smoke cigarette and have tattoo that I must be some bad girl and that in that sens my judgement is trash.

You shouldn't stereotype. People appearence does not equal their ability of judgement or their intellectual abilities.
It's not like I'm gonna let you judge me.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

Honestly, is there anything that's worth permanently inscribing on your skin? Try henna?

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

16? No.

But people under 16 shouldn't be allowed to get 1, simply because I believe kids are not mature enough to make permanent choises like that. Getting Justin Biebers face tattooed on you at age of 14 is plain stupid, because the person would probably regret it inside next 6 years already.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

My friend got a full dragon tattoo on his back at 13 years old.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

Not wrong at all. M. Shadows got his first tattoo when he was 14.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

Get non-perma ones, but not the cheap kind that wash off easily.
Or tattoo sleeves.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

If you're comfortable doing it, go ahead. I would never want to print something on my skin like that, but I know people have opposite views. Bottom line is, only do it if you're 100% okay with it

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

You're only 16 which is still young
A tattoo is forever and it's painful
I took a tattoo when I was 18 so maybe you need a few more years of thinking

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[quote=korweaBOO]your mother, is "making" you get a tattoo?

it's fine, as long as your parents have a mutual understanding of it, but if your mom is making you do it i think it's a little wrong unless you're okay with it.[/quote]

I didn't say that she is "making" me, I said that she was "going to take me", it's completely my choice if I want it or not. Don't worry worry about that lol

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

your mother, is "making" you get a tattoo?

it's fine, as long as your parents have a mutual understanding of it, but if your mom is making you do it i think it's a little wrong unless you're okay with it.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

What matters is what is on the inside
yes corny but true!

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

@Kovy: I remember when my cousin came home after he got his first tattoo... It's a weed leaf, it look quite nice, yet it makes him look like a junkie, but whatever float is boat, if he is happy with it then good for him. Thought I am not the one to judge someone based on their tattoos.

I just hate it when people judge me because I smoke cigarette. It is somewhat off topic, but it is just to prove some people judge other over things they dislike, yet they never had a talk with the person they hate on.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

just be sure it's not something you'll regret in the future

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

@Kovy: If you put it that way, I agree, but think about it: If a hooker Devil mean something to someone and did not chose it randomly, why call them stupid if the person like it?

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

I've seen a 13 year old get a tattoo.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

You'll look like a delinquent.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

Long as its not those lame full back ones of like a cherry blossom tree.

The treble/bass clef idea sounds splendid.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[quote=superimani]Show pics.[/quote]

Maybe...maybe not..

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[url=]He got his first tattoo at 16, look where he is now.[/url]

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[quote=ShinjiLuver]All the way. lol[/quote]

Show pics.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[quote=View]Tramp stamp.[/quote]

All the way. lol

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

I got my first tattoo at the age of 14. Don't listen to other people (no offence to you guys, I know you may give your own opinion) but in all honesty, it is your body, and in the end, the only thing that should matter to you is your own opinion and stick to it. What other may think about the type of tattoo you wanna get and the area on your body shouldn't concern them, after all, it is you who's gonna have to stick with it. So do what you want wherever you want.

Talking from experience as I have 3 tattoos.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

As long as it's [url=]this[/url], it isn't.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

I would never get a tattoo. But if I was forced to get one, I would have a 1-inch long R on my wrist.

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

[quote=Ezraii]I'm going to say it depends on what it is and where it will be.[/quote]

Well, I'm going to get the treble clef + bass clef combo, because ever since I was young, my life has revolved around music. It has always been there. Originally I wanted just wanted the treble clef because that's the clef I play, but my godmother said that if I'm going to have one, I need to have the other to "balance" me

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited

I guess it depends on what it is, how big it is, and where it is.
If your mum's okay though..
then why would it be wrong to get a tattoo at 16?
I think it's fine :o

Reply November 1, 2011 - edited