sidleyhatesyou #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

A few I/l mage questions Alright so I'm interesting in making a I/L Mage just because when I first started to play this game I made one and they were terrible at the time.. I figured I should actually follow through and make the first class I tried to make.. 1. Do they require a lot of funds? 2. How much luk should I go with if I don't have insane funds? 3. How can I turn real money into meso, I would not like suggestions to use 3'd party sites, they are usually full of keyloggers etc etc - Don't suggest em! 4. Do they level fast ish?

General Icelightningarchmage

Will the Patch red make I/l powerful ish again? I really really enjoyed playing my I/L up to 130 ish but when I hit that level I found out lumi's are just better flat out so it was kinda discouraging, I wasn't aiming for a super powerful class but when a class can do exactly what you do but better its all like kk sad face :( but with the whole red patch coming out, will I/L be actually pretty decent again? IF not what will be the goodish classes? I'm bored and I either want to play my I/L or just a new class