

Top 1000 Reasons you should make an Evan

Hey guys, I'm silvercrap, silversport, silvercrosse, silvercocane, silversunray, silver pretty much everything else, but you guys can refer to me as silly if you're feeling ambitious. You guys get the point I guess. First of before I make this thread and carry on with it (I'll be periodically editing until I finally get to 1,000 reasons for making an evan), I want to dedicate this thread to my absolute best maple friend, we've been together for 5.5 years now he's gone, the one and only touchy (MrTouchnGo). The touchy to my silly, come back bud, I did. Peer pressure it sometimes. Anyway lets get started.

P.S. If you want to help and add reasons along the way I'm down. We got 1,000 that we need anyway might as well.


I wanted to start this thread off right, and I figured that the hair was something that just needed to be acknowledged before anything else in the entire game. Evan's hair is so flippy nom nom that it literally makes NPC's undergo intense orgas.... nevermind its just sick. Technically you don't start with evan hair, but I mean it's freaking named after Evan so it's that beotches hair.

Mir.... 'nough said. Specially the first mir and the final mir. Cutie to big ole dino killer 3000 (watchout godzilla). Also, if you purchase a saddle from that son of a beotch Kenta, you can become very agile with the use of the dragon rider skill.

Evans are generally all around strong characters. With the ability to manipulate pretty much every element (maining fire of course, which is why ele staff 5 and 6's are usually purchased), starting with thunder, going through ice and fire breaths, which make you look like an absolute stud at jesters, to illusion, flame wheel, and blaze to finish off strong. Evan has above average damage without funding, I remember I was hitting i think 20~35k hits with ice breath at jests and up to liek, 40k once I got fire breath (I may be way off on that), but overall awesome. Now at 162 with decent funding (20k nx max spent on him), i'm hitting about 200k per hit on illusion w/o hyper skills and around 250k with. And for those of you who don't know, illusion is an incredibly fast attack, especially with maxed boost. Minor setback however, evans aren't very agile, unless decide to ride on mir with dragon flight (which is actually incredibly useful at LHC). Also many skillbooks require nx purchasing, which ticked me off for a while dying every second without magic guard. However, its cheap, and still overall worthit. Evans dish out damage like it's their day job.


Despite the fact that I i'm now 13 years old, I will still voice my opinion because I... uh... well I got a keyboard I guess that's good enough. The real reason number 4 will probably have to be the questline. I may be the only person in the entire world that actually enjoys the quests for evans, and I also respect that evans had the first legit storyline (along with arans) in Maplestory. So, yeah. OH and along with that you get a medal after the first Chief Stan quest, i think its like good boy medal or something along those lines. Pretty legit if I do say so my self.


EDIT: I think i'm going to start posting 1 a day just so i'm not overwhelmed and this turns out to be a five minute hobby instead of a 5 hour hobby so yeah. Oh and trolls are welcome, i don't discriminate against any type of gamer no matter how stupid they make look and/or sound, please try your best not to hate on trolls because the war continues. Thanks guys! -silly

Anyway guys that's it for tonight, like i said i'll be adding more and more reasons until we finally hit the big ole' 1k, and of course we'll have achievements along the way. Thanks for reading guys I hope this inspires you to make an Evan, and always feel free to message me what you think are some top 1000 reasons to make an Evan.

May 15, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


Hey guys if you like this thread spread the word! If you hate it and think its stupid spread the word! If you think I'm a dumbass spread the word!... well not really thats kinda mean. I hope you guys like it, like I said i'll be posting 1~2 a night (depending on if i get good suggestions like the guy 3 comments above me)! Thanks and enjoy!

Reply May 16, 2013

[quote=suomirox123]The same could be said about your comment.[/quote]

Don't be mean!

Reply May 16, 2013

#4 Self and party resurrection capabilities
#5 Gliding mount (even though we have the current ani event)
#6 Fast long range mobbing capabilities (flame wheel, blaze)
#7 party HP and MP heal skill

Reply May 15, 2013

This person aint gunna pass 10 reasons

Reply May 15, 2013

[quote=NeverResist]lmfaooooooo youre a dumbass
sounds like a 13 year old wrote this[/quote]

The same could be said about your comment.

Reply May 15, 2013