silversport3 #Evan Talk

General Evan

Top 1000 Reasons you should make an Evan Hey guys, I'm silvercrap, silversport, silvercrosse, silvercocane, silversunray, silver pretty much everything else, but you guys can refer to me as silly if you're feeling ambitious. You guys get the point I guess. First of before I make this thread and carry on with it (I'll be periodically editing until I finally get to 1,000 reasons for making an evan), I want to dedicate this thread to my absolute best maple friend, we've been together for 5.5 years now he's gone, the one and only touchy (MrTouchnGo). The touchy to my silly, come back bud, I did. Peer pressure it sometimes. Anyway lets get started. P.S. If you want to help and add reasons along the way I'm down. We got 1,000 that we need anyway