

simon250 #General Talk


Royal Hair How many times have you gotten Layered Cut? [url=]I'm referring to this hairstyle.[/url] The only Royal hair that appeals to me at the moment is the Layered Cut. Out of curiosity, how many times have you gotten Layered Cut, and how many times have you used a Royal Hair coupon recently? I'm only asking because I've used 7 coupons, but I'm curious as to how often people have (un)intentionally gotten it.


Some Questions About Souls About how often would you say that a boss drops a Soul Shard? Does it matter what level you are when hunting for Soul Shards? The website states: "A Soul Weapon does not have a limit on how many Boss Souls you can place in it. Of course, only the latest Boss Soul's enhancement is in effect." Does anybody know if you can swap the soul in effect and use another soul while the first one is on cooldown? Thanks if you were able to answer any of these questions for me. I'm trying to get a Spirit of Rock Soul for my permabeginner and I haven't gotten a shard in 6 kills so far.


How does the amount of attack from a 3 star Ee work? I understand that for each 50 att in your weapon, the amount upgraded from an EE increases by 1 attack. However, if you had a weapon with 146 attack and using an EE increases it by 3 attack. The next EE would also increase the attack by 3, making it go from 149 to 152. Finally, a third EE would make the item upgrade by 4 attack, going from 152 to 156. If this is all correct, Does using a 3 star upgrade the item as if the enhancements were made one after the other, or does it upgrade the item with the 3 attacks all at once (making it worse than separate EEs?). TL:DR Are EEs with multiple stars less efficient when the item's attack is one EE away from the next upgrade tier?