

Commerci Bosses

So ive started doing commerci for the first time ever. Im doing it on reboot server with my dual blade, and just unlocked Rosa. Now my problem is every time i get to the squid boss i immediately die, my dodge wont proc at all. to give some insight i have around a 60k range if that determines anything. thanks for all the help in advance people!!

December 10, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


Bleh this whole fight has made me want to switch to shadower

Reply December 10, 2015

Stand at the far right side when attacking Grosso Polpo. If you don't stand at the right side you will be stunned in addition to touch damage.

Reply December 10, 2015

How Low exactly is the SW equips drops?

I also have done it on my db in reboot but he does not kill me. Just asura. My range is around 155k

Reply December 10, 2015

Grosso Polpo is somewhat glitchy (he is a GMS exclusive after all) and has the ability to simply ignore dodge/block/guard, his attacks might activate the skills/consume stacks/whatever, but he will do damage to you regardless, which is extremely annoying since he also hits fairly hard (5k+). Also, while it looks like he is standing in the background, he WILL hurt you if you stand on top of him (the fact he occupies basically the entire boat doesn't help), so run the hell away from the center, to the sides (usually the right side), you will still take damage from his tentacle whip, but you shouldn't have to worry about being one shot because his touch damage and whip triggered at the same time.

Reply December 10, 2015

walk to the far right side of the ship, you'll get way less touch damage there

Reply December 10, 2015