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I got into gold in 2 days this is my story

Hello guys! Im so excited! I thought I wouldn't be able to get into gold before season 3 ended and I got into in 2 days!
On saturday I became level 30 and had 192 wins. I jumped right into ranked and played all day from 11am to 1am the next day. I won one , lost 2 in a row and I was getting pretty mad. I started playing with my brother duo and had no idea of his strategy that would win the game 100% of the time. After winning 7 in a row I got put into Silver 1.
Then I kept playing and won 4 in a row getting my up to my promotion and we kept using the strategy and just now got into gold.
I feel so happy! Im on a 13 ranked win streak! I normally top or mid, but my with the tactic my brother uses I jungle get firstblood 100% of the time and win 100% of the time. Tried it in normal, and people rage quit, cry, or just afk. It's hilarious.
That's my story of how I became gold in 2 days.
Thank you for reading, have a good day and may the gods shine upon you in the battlefield of league of legends if you play!
TL;DR : Found a strategy that wins game 100% of the time, on a 13 ranked win streak. got put into silver 1 after 10 provisional games
2 days GG! (this is my main account too)

October 20, 2013

15 Comments • Newest first


..... ur not plat or diamond

Reply October 27, 2013

[quote=rabbithole]So you're basically just invading and counter jungling against Bronze/Silvers jungling scrubs.

Don't expect that [b]"[/b]strategy[b]"[/b] to fly well in higher Gold divisions. It's going to screw over your team in laning phase, especially if the rest of your team doesn't know the concept of a good invade.

You should also polish your rune pages. </3[/quote]
I just got to 30 >:o
trying to get ip for runes

Reply October 27, 2013

So you're basically just invading and counter jungling against Bronze/Silvers jungling scrubs.

Don't expect that [b]"[/b]strategy[b]"[/b] to fly well in higher Gold divisions. It's going to screw over your team in laning phase, especially if the rest of your team doesn't know the concept of a good invade.

You should also polish your rune pages. </3

Reply October 21, 2013 - edited

Lol, that's nice but you're going to get yourself stomped as no one will be there to carry you, I doubt your brother will ALWAYS be duo'ing with you.
Expect to get a lot of hate from your team mates unless you can play at the Gold standard.

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

[quote=sirvesa]if i reveal it, it's going to get used and eventually lead to nerfs of the things required for it [/quote]

No, chances are you're playing with scrubs that don't know how to counter it.

AKA pubstomp strat.


Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

[quote=dontran18]So it's basically counter jungling O.o.[/quote]

counter jungling
killing their level 1 jungler over and over
and at the same time leveling up fast and ganking
@Colour yes honestly, I think i'm pretty good and I plan on continuing league after my studies

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

But do you think you deserve Gold?

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

So it's basically counter jungling O.o.

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

[quote=dontran18]Well... it's Aatrox. What do you expect in silver tier LOLOLOL.
Anyways.. Aatrox (And like 1 GP game) and your brother plays Karma or Lulu. I notice that the support has some type of immense slow/snare.
Here how I see it works:
Your brother CC them in one place, so you can have a 100% chance to get your gap closer, knocking them up. Then you slow and do DPS. Since it's ADRC + Aatrox, that's TONS of dmg so they should be dead before they can even react. Most likely you aim for the support because ADRC has a barrier with that kind of power.

Or, another way it works is that you camp in the bottom bushes till the support walks in to ward then you jump them.

Just my theory [/quote]
actually not even close haha
I just jungle regularly while he steals their blue or blue with cv
so the jungler is level 1 low hp and goes red and I find them there when I'm level 3 double buffed and yea but there's more to it

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

That's really nice.. I haven't done my placements (10 matches) I don't really care much about ranked, haha.
Oceania Server is the worst.. All the scrubs that moved from NA are all in Oceania. I had mates who were in Bronze and Silvers now are almost Plat since Oceania came out. If I did my 10 matches. God knows I'll be in Bronze V.. on top of that no Tribunal in Oceania

Congrats to you, very jelly! You must be so lucky. Kind of wish I was back in NA.. I get 15-20 Ping in Oceania whereas I get 164-250 in NA back then. The people and the community there is much much better. And also actually knows how to play the game.. First few days of OCE Server was nice when it was released. Nowadays it's beyond retarded

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Well... it's Aatrox. What do you expect in silver tier LOLOLOL.
Anyways.. Aatrox (And like 1 GP game) and your brother plays Karma or Lulu. I notice that the support has some type of immense slow/snare.
Here how I see it works:
Your brother CC them in one place, so you can have a 100% chance to get your gap closer, knocking them up. Then you slow and do DPS. Since it's ADRC + Aatrox, that's TONS of dmg so they should be dead before they can even react. Most likely you aim for the support because ADRC has a barrier with that kind of power.

Or, another way it works is that you camp in the bottom bushes till the support walks in to ward then you jump them.

Just my theory

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

[quote=SirSoar]Ya know, there is a league subforum now~ Also, for that strategy, basically your friend jungles and you're either top/ mid and set it up so you get first blood?[/quote]

there is a subforum? nice
either I jungle (rarely top) and he mids or support
if i reveal it, it's going to get used and eventually lead to nerfs of the things required for it

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Ya know, there is a league subforum now~ Also, for that strategy, basically your friend jungles and you're either top/ mid and set it up so you get first blood?

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

Dude, he is calling me so many names. I find it hilarious that I made him my female dog haha
I also had this other friend that has been trying to get into gold for the past 3 months and I got into in 2 days! LMAO he's so mad

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited

you got higher than your friend LOL is your friend mad

Reply October 20, 2013 - edited