

My TV is possessed by something

So, I haven't watched on TV for like ages. Until a few days ago, I wanted to see whatever was on TV. I start it up, but it was like the worst reception ever. I could only see a little bit of whatever was going on, it was watchable but very annoying. I thought it was the antenna cable so I checked everywhere where it could be something wrong. I couldn't find any wrong so I thought that it was the TV station or something and turned it off. Today I tried watching on it again, still didn't work so I checked the cables again. Last time I didn't check the antenna cable that is connected to my TV, so I checked, and there was no cable plugged in? Whaaaat? WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT? HOW CAN I SEE ON MY TV WITHOUT AN ANTENNA?

This is one of the world many mysteries.

October 21, 2011