

skydude33 #Wildhunter Talk

General Wildhunter

Wild Hunter Leveling Guide Hello all Wild Hunters, Citizens, and aspiring Wild Hunters! In this guide you will find all the information to level your WH. Prologue Welcome to the great Job of the Wild Hunter. With your mighty Jaguar at your side and your powerful crossbow, there’s nothing that can stand in your way. Let’s start it out from the beginning. Level 1-10 Your just starting out as a Citizen in Edelstien. Your Edelstien quest line is how you’re going to get through these levels. These quests will tell you how to level and will give you quite a lot of assistance. Level 11-20 You’re still on your quest line. Not all of it is mandatory, yet if you continue following it you will level somewhat hastily. Level 21-30 Edelstien Way