

Evans and why you shouldn't make one

You shouldn't make an evan because
they can dominate maps with earthquake which stereotypes them to be Ksers
-Earthquake isn't that great and is getting nerfed soon
-Even though they become strong at level 100 they don't get as strong as most other classes when they hit 120
-At 120 for most people it is a pain and very difficult to get new skills
-Earthquake has a very slow animation and which actually gives other people time to ks YOU
They are not also do not do very high dpm compared to some other classes with similar funding.
-As they are also party buffers not just damage
-eg: blessing of the onyx, magic shield, magic resistance
-thus making them defensive

SO do not become an Evan because they some how dominate with earthquake making you the king/ queen/ emperor of the map as their are better classes you should play for ksing.
SO do not become an Evan because they make big numbers but their speed makes up for the big numbers giving them low damage so their are better classes you should play for damage.

BUT play an evan because you want to be an evan.

January 2, 2011

7 Comments • Newest first


I think i made my main point to subtle
Don't become an Evan cause you want to show off or to ks someone.
Play an Evan because you find them fun and don't actually care about the damage.
I LOVE playing my evan too >.>.

Reply January 3, 2011

The fact that evans have ksed u a lot at gallos made u a lil mad doesn't it?

But yeah u got good perspectives, personally I like my Evan, even though is only lv 80, not everyone are ks hoes,
in fact I haven't gotten ksed by an evan never.

Reply January 3, 2011

Lol, I'm glad you pointed out the damage hoar defect at lvl 120 seeing as how flamewheel=earthquake in damage both max lvl is 740%. Illusion is a powerful skill but the animation makes the skill extremely slow, which is fixed after reorg patch lol.

Anyway, as for the guy that got ksed by a lvl 4x i/l. It's just because you were slower, for 2 guys goin on an ohko ksing war it's pretty much down to who has the fastest reflexes and who can see the spawn first.

Oh and difference between levels is never a factor unless accuracy happens to be an issue.

Reply January 2, 2011

everyone will die for soul stone cough cough

Reply January 2, 2011

-Earthquake isn't that great and is getting nerfed soon.

It's getting weaker but also faster. So this shouldn't matter.

-Even though they become strong at level 100 they don't get as strong as most other classes when they hit 120.
Magic mastery. Nuff said.

-At 120 for most people it is a pain and very difficult to get new skills
Took me 1 day.

-Earthquake has a very slow animation and which actually gives other people time to ks YOU
There's a reason that Evans seem to KS a lot. People can't KS me.

They are not also do not do very high dpm compared to some other classes with similar funding.
If you have friends, you'll get into boss runs anyways.

-As they are also party buffers not just damage.
Bishops are also there for party support. Why can't Evans?

-eg: blessing of the onyx, magic shield, magic resistance
How is this a bad thing?

-thus making them defensive
Some people like that.

Reply January 2, 2011

Actually its possible to be ksed.
This is from expierience, I brang my evan to truckers(when they where ksing central) for ks protection XD
turns out my lvl 13x (cant remember exact anymore) was getting ksed by a lvl 4x ( don't wan't to remember them anymore) i/l mage.
If you can both 1 hit its down to number speed.
(even though numbers were poping up on every single trucker from earthquake i still got no kills XD)

Also I just wanted to get something of my chest because ever since bb a whole bunch of people started playing again and I just wanted to point this out.
Don't play an Evan if your gonna be a j@(ka$$ cause high chance your gonna get bored of them at 120 even though you have earthquake

Reply January 2, 2011

It doesn't matter if earthquake ANIMATION is slow. The kill(s) are already yours and no one else can attack when you've EQ'd.

Who cares. I love being unique. No one from my BL or guild is an Evan, which makes me happy.

Reply January 2, 2011