

sordojohn #General Talk


Lol at server check timing So, at 7am PST, the time it was supposed to start I turned to a guy near me and said, "hey whats going on, why didn't it start?" and he was like "Nexon was too busy drinking coffee" Then later on, I hit exactly 99% exp and said "Woot, 99% exp, if servers shut down now, I'd be mad, probably go complain on basilmarket." He said "Lol" Then the server shut down. Hilarious XD I don't actually mind, cuz I should be asleep by now anyway its like 2am where I am, and I'm starting to believe there is a jombie behind me (I just turned around to check when I wrote this , twice). Pretty funny tho


Lololwtfd racists in maple Lol theres so many racists in maple these days eh? I had a sin which was "tanned" becoz I'm azn and theres only white, more white, tanned and black as skin colours, so I chose tanned cuz..yeah But then everyone was like "get lawst you mainowritee" and "NO BLEK, WHY SO BLEK?" And I'd be like "lololwtfd? I'm not even black I'm tanned, and if I was black I'd be proud of it" Then the hillbilliez and the rednecks would say "Hayh, did that negro-african just say black pride? Get the KKK ovar her wez gotz ourselvez a black rebeliun" Me "Dude I'm Asian" Him "OH, ricky, is that a minawrity" ricky "Yeahz I thinks it is" Me "What th- Zom- So


High dex belt for a dexless sin Well I recently saw a Lucky belt with the following stats going for 100m +6 luk clean Potential +10 dex,+10dex My question is, can anyone in Scania provide me with a +6 dex clean Potential[+20 or more dex] OR +10 or more dex scrolled Potential[+20 or more dex] Specify around how much it'd cost and I'd be willing to pay extra if on top of the aforementioned stats it had %luk, in other words, three lines, perfect for my situation. I'm trying to get my dex up to 110 so, yeah..Basically I'm wanting to get around 30 dex out of the belt.

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