
Radiant Von Leon vs Clever Hilla

Well, I just got a Radiant Von Leon soul, that's a 4 magic attack bonus. Currently I have a Clever Hilla soul, which is 15 INT. The Von Leon one's better, right?

December 30, 2014

9 Comments • Newest first


@Axnslicer: Makes sense. Either way I'm nowhere near that level of funding lol

Reply December 31, 2014

You should really choose the soul that you like to use. Are you a cat person or do you like having a Redhead follow you?

Reply December 30, 2014

[quote=Lecarde]@Axnslicer: %int works just how any %stat works, it gives you more int based on how much int you already have. If you have 100int and 10%int you end up with 110int overall. But if you started with 115 int (from the soul) you end up with 126.5int overall, which is a bigger boost. At really high levels of %stat, this becomes better than %att[/quote]

That's a common misconception. In reality, while that's how % int technically works, the implications of this aren't what you think they are.

The reason for this is the damage formula, which is actually multiplicative. Let us ignore secondary stat for the sake of simplicity. So you have

att x (stat x % stat) = damage x coefficient

By the commutative property, this formula can be rewritten as

(att x % stat) x stat = damage x coefficient

So as you can see, it doesn't matter how much % stat you have, the relative value of stat and att is unaffected.

In conclusion, if the +15 int from the Hilla soul is stronger than the 4 magic att from the VL soul or vice versa, this will be true regardless of whether you have 0% int or 100% int. I realize this is counter-intuitive, you'll need to walk through the damage formula a bit before you get it.

What shifts your att:stat balance is not % stat or % att which both multiply right through to damage, but rather + att and + stat.

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited

@Axnslicer: %int works just how any %stat works, it gives you more int based on how much int you already have. If you have 100int and 10%int you end up with 110int overall. But if you started with 115 int (from the soul) you end up with 126.5int overall, which is a bigger boost. At really high levels of %stat, this becomes better than %att

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited

(4 * primary stats * (1 + %primary stats) + secondary stats * (1 + %secondary stats) * (Weapon Attack / 100 * (1 + %attack)) = range
(current range with soul)/(new range with new soul) = changes in range after equipping new soul

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited

[quote=Lecarde]Generally, yes. At high levels of funding your %int would make the 15INT better for you. But since you are still using hilla soul you are nowhere near that level of funding so I wouldn't worry about it[/quote]

That is not how % int works. However, I agree he should keep the Hilla soul until he can upgrade to Empress/Murgoth. Summons are the most useful souls.

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited

15 int

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited

Generally, yes. At high levels of funding your %int would make the 15INT better for you. But since you are still using hilla soul you are nowhere near that level of funding so I wouldn't worry about it

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited

It depends if you have alot of % int vs % m att.

Reply December 30, 2014 - edited