

soursake #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

End Game Equips I recently picked my BAM back up and read up on some guides among other sources to get some background info. But I also have some questions regarding end game equips. Now I'm not the most funded person in the world so I can't go and buy crazy things, but that's fine since I'm not really concerned about my damage much. I read that people usually add luck until they're able to wear end game equips and I'm currently adding 1 luck and 4 int every level. So I was wondering, when do people usually stop adding luck? Also, what would be considered "end game equips"? I would naturally assume an elemental staff but considering I'd probably never get my hands on one, what are some alternatives? I definitely appreciate any hel

General Battlemage

Some Skill Questions for BaMs I finally got to level 70 and was wondering about some of the skills. My first three points were put into Quintuple Blow, Advanced Dark Chain and Battle Mastery. Since I started I've been using [url=]this[/url] guide to allocate my skills points. Only difference is I left Blood Drain at 3 since I saw most people advising it when I poked around. Now the guide says to leave Adv. Dark Chains at 13 but I'm kinda unsure. I know it's just a guide and all but now I'm thinking about what skills are worth maxing since I see conflicting views from different threads. I'd just like to get an idea of what to do. So, what skills are worth ma