

soursake #General Talk


Nx Error Code0 Whenever I try to get into the nx section, I can't. :x I get this message when I click on any of the sponsors: "Error You have reached this page through an error. Return to the Charge NX page.(Code:0)" I've already sent in two tickets, the second after the first got auto-closed. Then the second one also got auto-closed. :| Both times I got an automated response that was no help. I have never done any surveys and I wanted to do some for the bow in the cash shop and a Golden Temple ticket to get a chair. :/ Is there any way I can fix this? ;x Also, apologies if this is the wrong forum.


High Spawn at Scarecrows? With all the hype going on with mercedes, I decided to make one and train it. That being said, I was poking around scarecrows and came across some maps that had an insanely high spawn rate. I was on one of those maps because it happened to be empty and whenever I killed a mob it seemed they would respawn just as quick. Pretty much like a glitched LHC map but with scarecrows. I assume this isn't normal. So are people starting to glitch those chimney maps to spawn like LHC maps? o_O

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