spencer1022 #General Talk


Why is Nexon still making new worlds When some are horribly underpopulated. Specifically, Yellonde. It is one of the least populated worlds and Nexon just keeps adding more, driving away any chance of a population increase. I originally joined it because when it was new there was a 2x Exp event, but now everyone is leaving for new worlds. Instead of making new worlds they should have events here to increase population. Trying to pq here is impossible because there are so few people. On some days, FM channel 1 is empty, it's so serious!


PVP coming to maplestory Taken from spadows blog: The third and last update on January 13th: The Huge War Finally after seven years of service, PvP will be added to MapleStory! Players who are Lv. 30 or higher can enter the Battle Arena Entrance Portal and enjoy PvP mode. In the PvP area, the players’ levels and stats will automatically be adjusted. There are three modes you can enter: - Survival: Battle without restrictions and rules without a time limit. - Team Match: Battle with teams within a time limit - Ice Knight: One person gets chosen as an ”Ice Knight” and the other players will need to survive from the Ice Knight, because the purpose of this mode is that the Ice Knight has to freeze all the other players to win. Players who