

Dojo mana problem

How the hell do you beat dojo with your mana depleting so quickly ;c
and I use sac, because it's the lowest mana cost and highest damage...

April 15, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


If you are running out of MP try to use different skills instead like Crusher or Sacrifice. Their DMG/MP cost ratio is better than impale.

Nebulites can be useful! If you are that serious then try to get 'Recover 24MP per 4 second' and stick to any accessories.

Maybe other factors could help too such as Decent Adv Bless (MP cost will be lowered, and more attack too =p),

Reply April 15, 2012

you're going to be experiencing mp issues all throughout.
a higher range will help sure, but don't expect you to see the mp regeneration problem dissapear.
just be creative with mp recovery accessories, rest appropriately between bosses with a chair when you can, and switch up your skills as needed.
differentiate when you can use damage dealing gears and when you need to use mp recovery set.
you'll figure out waht is needed for your char!

Reply April 15, 2012

I do, but I lose mana while fighting ;c
Should I just quit until I get a higher range?

Reply April 15, 2012

After each resting spot. Sit on chair

Reply April 15, 2012