

suama #Chat Talk

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suamas guide to cheap and delicious cooking The best guide on Basil for you starving college students living on ramen every day. :D Weirdly enough, people have approached me a few times asking for cooking advice, so I thought I'd compile a guide for eating cheaply. :x I don't know what cooking facilities are like in most American colleges, so just give me a list of what you have access to and I'll see what I can do. (Apologies for any typos, I'm typing in the dark right now.) You can add whatever small bits of cooked meat to a lot of these basic ideas, but to be honest it's cheaper being vegetarian. Remember to be creative though!.. Or to use whatever leftovers to pad food out. [header]The essentials[/header] [header]White sauce[/header] 25

General Chat

Tips for the fashion dyslexic. K, so I know a few of the basics on how one should dress themselves, such as pick clothes in the correct size, don't wear more than one item of denim unless I'm transported to the 80s, socks and sandals (Although I wear tights and peeptoe heels... Is that bad?) and etc, but are there any other bits of wisdom that people would like to share with me? :D Also I'm curious on what other peoples' styles are. How do you define your style? What kinda key elements do you add to your outfits to make it "you"?