

sunpark99 #General Talk


weird potential glitch So.... i had two tempest shoulders and i potted each, as i have seen the crap potential, i fused them together to make a totally new one. After I fused the two shoulders, I went on to pot them again... but this time, i was lucky and got a 3% int pot... but the shoulder glitched and it says that the pot is hidden even though i already potted it.... Did anyone else have the same problem? If i were to pot it again would it just refresh my current stats? [image=] Sorry about ^^ first time adding an ss and kinds confused :S EDIT= i know what a bonus pot is... but the item is technically revealed and unrevealed at the same time... no hacks as i got the sho


mega marvel question So I realized many people saying the mega marvel is only useful if you get something good on the first spin.... what does that mean? O-o To clarify what I am trying to find out... Like LGR can only be obtaoned in the first spin and tyrants come in the second and root abyss come in the third spin... I heard u will have the highest chances of getting more of the first spin than the rest... is this true? Edit: sorry if what I'm trying to ask may be confusing... but just in general, is the mega marvel useful at all? Edit: sorry... by first spin I mean the first slot.

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