

superimani #General Talk


Age Limit for Maple I've been seeing a lot of somewhat ignorant things. Some people say "When i get to X age i'm going to quit maplestory, you should all agree or you are dumb." I don't understand? They think that you're wasting your time or you anti social/Immature/No life if you play past age X. Things like that are kind of annoying to read, IMO I think you should play a game tell you no longer enjoy it... simple.... Anyway enough of my rant. What do you think about age and Maple? Do you think those people are right for saying you should stop playing at age X? Do you find them just plain ignorant?


Hey I'm QUITTING my shad. P/c on Yup, bet you never saw a thread like this before huh? WAY to many shads running around maple i just don't feel right being an overpopulated class. Besides the shadow shifter 20/30 assassination 20 cost way to much. Plus i have had bad luck passing books on my shad so i'd probably spend like 400+ mil on those books if you count my average fail rate. Since it's not my main character i'm just going to let my beloved shad go. I'm getting to a high lvl on bucc and i want to be the best i can.... anyway.. thats the end of that rant P/c on 3 line 14 attack dragon khanjar (rare) +12 luck +6 str + 6 luck 3 line lv 90 3% luck shoes (rare) 2 line 3% Luck rose earring (rare)


Make Pvp connected to all the worlds I think that would be a good idea if it was possible. Considering how 120+ is practically abandoned and 180+ is more a less a ghost town. Why not try and connect the worlds for pvp? I mean they tried to make pvp their main focus in chaos in the American server but NO ONE plays it. At least not in Bera. So connect all the worlds so there are actually people playing pvp instead of trying to wait in there for 10 minutes and only 1 person comes in. .... Well just my thoughts.

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