
I have an offer

Hello guys, I am going to propose a trade - not a item for money trade, but for rather something else.
You must meet 3 conditions:
1. Be in Windia
2. Have interest/already playing League of Legends, eager to become better
3. Be somewhat new, under level 30.

Here's what's going on:
I used to play a hermit in Windia, hard core. He was my main for an extremely long time, and I really mean an extremely long time, then I got hacked and had pretty much everything stripped. I just gave up then. Not a cent left in the pocket and I didn't even have a claw to kill anything. So I basically quit.

A long time has past since then, and I really do feel like playing him again, doing him and myself the justice of getting him to fourth job or even further. So much time and NX were spent on him, and just tossing him away and never touching him again doesn't feel right. I realize I do need quite a bit of starter cash to get going as I lost pretty much all my gear except for my Zhelm, which the guy didn't drop (nice guy hacker, steals all stuff, doesn't drop zhelm).

I suppose just trading mesos from Bellocan, my current main server with another fellow in Windia might work, but I think I can offer something else. I play a lot of League of Legends, and have gotten quite a bit. I am NO way near amazing. I am a mere Silver 5. However, I know there are a lot of basilers out there that would like to learn how to really play LoL, at least the basic aspects (Cs, CC, teamfighting, different roles, how to properly play the game and improve). I think I am capable of teaching people to learn to play League to a certain extent.

What I offer:
Lessons and Instructions
Tips and Tricks
Champion and Build recommendation
Duo q partner
After-game analysis
My love <3

What I ask for:
Decent Weapon, some claw lv 70 ~ 90, something that I can wear. It doesn't need to have any potential/scrolling at ALL. I just want to hit something.
Some Clothing: A top or bottom, or even an overall. I just don't want to get killed in one hit.
Maybe some pots and stars: Idk if I have any stars left untaken, but it would be nice to be able to use something other than just Subis.
A guild: All my friends and gulid were gone after a long time of not playing.

However, if you do feel like giving me some pretty good gear, I'd highly appreciated, and I'll do my best to prove to you that too.

I would like to say that I am not a world-class penta-killing every game pro player, but I do consider myself decent if not slightly better than people of my level. I think I can teach decent too. I know enough stuff to help those who are brand new or not playing ranked just yet.

Hit me up with a PM if you are interested. You can add my main account, its summoner name is Knaive.

Thank you

May 31, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


@FreeWii4Mii: I THINK I have a stat reset, also he's lv 98... I really just don't feel like climbing that again. I am a slow leveler.
@squalkbox: Correct me if I am wrong, but I think personal tutors are better than streamers in a way. A lot of the stuff that goes on at higher elos are confusing to some new players. Also, I don't think streamers can put that much effort and attention to teach a single person.
Again, I am merely teaching new and inexperienced players, so I think Silver suffices.
@lilasiankid2: My ign is JZthiefglore (not my best thought of ign, lol), and I would be grateful if you did. It would seriously help a lot. You really don't have to do it, though.

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited

A silver? lol... i tihnk they might be better off watching streams tbh

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited

secondary stats are no longer required, and considering your hermit is old it probably has more than 4 dex so it might be in your best interest to remake it instead

Reply May 31, 2013 - edited