
Massive 2.1b Meso Bug in Reboot Cube NAO?

December 4, 2015

39 Comments • Newest first


@gunpowder: Can you read? They're seeing if it gave them a significant advantage, and if it did, they will take measures to take those advantages away.

@Erag0n1: There's a difference between abusing, and stumbling upon something, and then reporting it 3 times..

Reply December 5, 2015

Do they have a way to know which items were cubbed specifically with those cubes? Idk...
but anyway, I don't think it's a big deal... there are almost no good equips on the server to make a huge difference anyway. Gl cubing lvl 120 equips.

Reply December 5, 2015

I don't really care if you unban the abusers, [b]but[/b] if you let them keep the equips they cubed, then Reboot is down the toilet for me...

Reply December 4, 2015

they should hell ban the players in Reboot that abused this exploit and investigate their accounts. Kappa

Reply December 4, 2015

It's hilarious how people find stuff like this and think they'll be fine from abusing it. It's clearly not meant to be..

Reply December 4, 2015

@sebasura: informal
used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
"I have received literally thousands of letters"

Pot calling the kettle black, Fam?

Reply December 4, 2015

Why would you say this was "LITERALLY" used by everyone? You don't even know EVERYONE, how can you say LITERALLY EVERYONE used it? Are you one of those persons who use literally wrong 'cause they don't know what it means?

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@gunpowder: I heard it was working in other servers, such as Scania and Mardia. You'd buy the Black Cubes, it'd give them to you, and give you NX instead of meso. lmao. Moreover, this will be a rollback, since it was literally used by everyone.

I dropped all items affiliated with it, deleted all cubes and meso generated/

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

Sometimes I honestly think they do this on purpose... geez.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@littletlk Some idiot was smegaing about it several hours earlier, so no doubt majority of players knew about it.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@gunpowder: Since this wasn't a hack or exploit, but just a simple bug, it's possible that a majority of the community knew about this and was abusing it, as well as using the cubes on their gears.
I really think a rollback is called for, but I get your point--I just don't think they have the manpower to go through all those accounts and take all that time to check and see. A rollback is a much easier and quicker fix.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@littletlk: Since you can't trade with anyone, all the GMs have to do is go through abusing accounts. Not as difficult when there's an economy involved.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@gunpowder: Sounds like a way to scam idiots.

Also, lmfao, if there's not a rollback for REBOOT server, I don't know how they'll fix this.
This is crazy.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@lazyfaux: How is selling mesos even possible in Reboot?

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@yunioracosta: Then honestly, they should do their bloody job correctly the first time.
There's a saying that comes to mind.. "Measure twice, cut once."

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

They must be so frustrated that there is another bug after a whole day of fixing the servers. I feel for these workers and hope that god shines a light for them to fix this asap.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@taisuke: The fact that I play on my main account, and just spent 25K nx on my character in Reboot yesterday. This roll back will be massive. Those people were selling Meso in Reboot for 1b=5USD at like 7pm Central...
Moreover, did it really affect the other servers? Instead of giving mesos, it gave NX? This is a BIG friggin' problem..

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited


Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@sebasura: lol. I'd prefer to not get banned on my main account for something as stupid as this, so I've officially deleted all mesos and cubes, along with items I cubed.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@sebasura: I mean what's the most you can lose. Your char is 2 days old.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

I'm cubing stuff for fun before I get banned lololol.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@sebasura: Idk. I notified Nexon after my friend told me to do it, and I'm in the process of deleting the Meso and Cubes from my account.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

So the only way to abuse this is using it on other worlds?
I can't think of a way of making profit from this in reboot since people can't even see the items you drop lol.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

My friend told me to do this, so unknowingly I did, and looks like I'm going to get banned, RIGHT AFTER SPENDING 25K BLOODY NX

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@chaosh:Even if the same coding was used in every server, abusing the exploit would be hard outside of reboot since you have to spend 2b+ nx

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

Integer overflow... Not sure if we can call that an exploit or Nexon making a rookie yet extremely dangerous mistake, but, anyways, Reboot has no trading, so they can fix the accounts of those who did it out of curiosity/testing/reporting and ban the fools who really abused it.

On the off chance there is in fact a private method to get this glitch to work outside Reboot, avoid the FM so you don't end up getting hellbanned (which blocks ALL forms of trading/transfering items or mesos, you can't trade, drop items, use the storage, quite literally 'hell') because you ended up with hacked mesos in your account.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

They only rollback when the economy is affected. Since there's no economy in Reboot, they have no need to rollback

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

Apparently, some people got hellbanned...

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

they would down the server and pinpoint anyone who made crazy amounts of mesos/cubes in such a short time and ban accordingly.. so no rollbacks at all. if you already bought cubes that way and you don't wanna get banned make sure there is none used or none in your inventory when they down the server for maintenence

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

I was just playing around in cs.. and then
yeah ima just log off and do nothing before I get banned ...

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@gunpowder: If i lose my winters and levels on my evan im actually going to ragequit

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@gunpowder: a rollback to when i spent all of yesterday leveling my evan and farming winters :\

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

If theres gonna be a rollback happening, it'll happen only in reboot world and not all of gms.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@sadvirgin: Lel, how does this have anything to do with people's greed? Even if it were 1000 people who abused this instead of 10,000 they would still rollback

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

@bleachedguy: That's only true for Reboot.
People on Reddit said this method leaked to the rest of the servers.... If that's true, a rollback is mandatory.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

Well since there's no trading it'd be easy to remove the items affected, and figure out the accounts that abused it.
Unless I'm missing something else.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

Greedy people ruining it for everyone else.

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited

Oh, well... No point staying logged with an imminent rollback on it's way...

Reply December 4, 2015 - edited