

Best use of money on wind archer?

Hello Wind Archer community! I've just come back from yet another hiatus and started up a WA for the hell of it and was wondering how I could put good use to 40k nx. I already have clean 3 piece RA and a crappy 3L rare 4 star tyrant cape. Thanks in advance for the help!

June 14, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


Sell dat NX, then pretty much what flamy said, if you want to spend some time on the event or them field bosses for prots and such, then I would buy a clean bow, but if you can afford a perfect RA bow, and still have leftovers for a reinforced belt/pend go for it, because ring/earrings are easy to get (about 11-13 days of gollux). which isn't really as tedious as it sounds. BUT if you can't afford a perfect RA bow, and the reinforced belt/pend, then I would just buy a clean bow, and buy the reinforced belt/pend, and that should still be a ok range to.. live...

Reply July 9, 2014

Probably just sell it for as much as you can
Get yourself a RA Bow while you're at it and some gollux accessories (maybe reinforced set)

Reply June 15, 2014