

The Last Airbender - Movie

So, I finally watched it. Clearly from the previews I was not about to spend money to see it in theaters so this was done, illegally.
So sue me. ...Oh wait.

Anyways, it's utter garbage. I understand as an adaptation that the producer/director will take certain liberties with the concept in order to form it to a larger audience and fit in only necessary aspects of the show. That's cool, I get it. You want it to sell. Here's the thing 'O Terrible Shyamalan. For it to sell it must be good, which this is clearly not. The child actors... are terrible. The movie literally has as much emotional subtlety as Stoop Kid from Hey Arnold. His excuse, he was stuck on a stoop all day long because he was afraid of sidewalks, or something. Child actors? Ohmahgawd, the worst, at one point the actor who played Katara literally ran up to a Firebender, yelled, slipped, mumbled the last half of her line, ran forward again, stopped for a second, and then pushed a grown man like 5 feet back onto the ground. I guess she's part Airbender or something.

Also, someone please explain to me why Shyamalan insisted on instead of using one of the most recognizable symbols of the show, Aang's blue arrow tattoo, and decided to essentially take a bunch of rulers commence to making shapes going the length of a little boys body pretending that this was a Geometry Exam for Catholic Priests all to create the effect of a shoddy uneven [b]black[/b] arrow. Hell, not even Sexy Statue Jasper Cullen of Twilight could add personality to thi- Hm. Do you see what I'm getting at here?

In an interview with M.Night Shyamalan while being questioned about his latest failure he responded with this little tidbit, "I bring as much integrity to the table as humanly possible. It must be a language thing, in terms of a particular accent, a storytelling accent. I can only see it this certain way and I don't know how to think in another language. I think these are exactly the visions that are in my head, so I don't know how to adjust it without being me." Well, bud, I hate to break it to you but it's not very good and you just seem to not be able to get better due to being inflexible as a Director(And maybe crazy), maybe the problem isn't your alcoholic fueled visions of what things should be. Maybe you're just bad, I'm just saying, you're pretty damn terrible.

End Rant.

Just kidding, surprise ending.

There were supposed to be more of these; Luckily that was cancelled.
Instead he's making a new thriller, hopefully the twist this time is that it will actually be a good film. Although I'm predicting it's [url=] Reptar. [/url]
Media is so [url=]evil. [/url]

October 1, 2010

12 Comments • Newest first


[quote=maybeupthere]@dimo: Aww, I like debating. [/quote]

Don't get me wrong, I love debating just as much, but movie preference is way to open ended of a topic for a interesting debate. Some people get the movie soem people don't, some people like the movie some people don't, some people think it's a masterpiece others put it in the same pile as Gigli

Reply October 1, 2010

I went to watch the movie with my friends the day it came out cuz it seemed cool during the trailer. After I came out watching it, I felt the movie was complete garbage and I felt like I just got scammed 12 bucks. (BTW i watched it in 3D and like id say 10% of the movie is in actual 3d while the rest is just normal)

0/10 rating


Reply October 1, 2010


I liked the concept, but I didn't like how he put it together. The monsters looked like they were supposed to be funny, and the dangerous/safety color thing wasn't nearly as well done as it could've been. I just think he could've done a much better job than he did.[/quote]

I will have to disagree, considering the superstitious nature of humanity in the earlier years of this millennium (which the people live by) the costumes would have struck fear into any man, woman or child. But I guess thats where opinions come into play so there is no point debating

Reply October 1, 2010


I liked the concept, but I didn't like how he put it together. The monsters looked like they were supposed to be funny, and the dangerous/safety color thing wasn't nearly as well done as it could've been. I just think he could've done a much better job than he did.

Reply October 1, 2010

[quote=maybeupthere]A breakdown of M. Night Shyamalan's career:

Sixth Sense: amazing
Signs: pretty good
The Village: lolwut
Every movie after that: too terrible to be worth mentioning

And now he's done a wonderful job of killing what was left of his career. Not only did he make a terrible adaptation that enraged fans of the series, he just made a terrible movie in general. Great job.[/quote]

I don't know why everyone dislikes The Village, to me it is his second best film behind Sixth Sense. Maybe people had different expectations based on the trailer which made the movie out to be some sort of horror flick. I, as well as several of my mates, went into the movie knowing nothing about it and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Reply October 1, 2010

A breakdown of M. Night Shyamalan's career:

Sixth Sense: amazing
Signs: pretty good
The Village: lolwut
Every movie after that: too terrible to be worth mentioning

And now he's done a wonderful job of killing what was left of his career. Not only did he make a terrible adaptation that enraged fans of the series, he just made a terrible movie in general. Great job.

And @Jcpdragonx : Dragonball was wonderful because it failed so hard it was funny. I couldn't stop laughing through the whole thing. I even bought it on DVD. Last Airbender, however, wasn't funny-bad. It was just bad-bad. Which is the worst kind of bad.

Reply October 1, 2010 - edited

The whole show seems pretty interesting, anyone have a link to where I can watch it?

Reply October 1, 2010 - edited

Effects weren't even that good, and the film itself was just disgusting.

Reply October 1, 2010 - edited

As someone who has not seen a single episode of the Anime series I went I went into the movie with a rather open mind, however even the boredom of being on a 12 hour long plane ride didn't save me from getting bored of the movie rather quickly. About half an hour into it I was frantically searching for a fast forward button just so I could see the "surprise twist" which M. Night. is known for. After what seemed like an eternity the movie finished and I was pretty much banging my head against the seat in front and calling for a stewardess to bring me another rum and coke in hope that alcohol could erase the memory of the last 90mins. In hindsight I think watching Sex in the City 2 would have been the better option.

Reply October 1, 2010 - edited

[quote=BloodNetPC]Visuals are 4/5 for me, but this movie sucked. Let's leave it at that.
The Night Chronicles is going alright so far. I'm not complaining other than how Devil could have been an HBO special with a $10000 budget.[/quote]

I think that's the thing, is that it kind of looked really good, aesthetically, then it just kind of...shat all over itself.

Reply October 1, 2010 - edited

They should have just done a different director and spent more time on it.

Reply October 1, 2010 - edited